Amiga from Commodore

John Moore john at anasazi.UUCP
Thu Sep 12 00:24:09 AEST 1985

In article <253 at kovacs.UUCP> rivero at kovacs.UUCP (Michael Foster Rivero) writes:
>	with  screen resolution up to roughly 300 by 600, and up to 32
>	simultaneous colors selected from a  palet  of  4096  possible
>	colors.  (There  is  even a way to show more than 32 colors on

	The highest resolution is 640X400 with 16 simultaneous colors. You
	can display up to 4096 colors on one screen using a differential
	encoding technique called "hold and modify"

>	that  to  your  own  research.  Needless  to  say,  there will
>	probably be a  net.sources.amiga  newsgroup  before  too  much
>	longer.

	There is a net.micro.amiga (I think thats the name) which has lots
	of this stuff on it now.

John Moore (NJ7E)
(602) 952-8205 (day or evening)

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