Why net.decus won't work

Ron Natalie <ron> ron at brl-sem.ARPA
Fri Sep 27 11:08:17 AEST 1985

> Anyway, you raise a good point: net.decus is a group dedicated to DEC users;
> why not use it?  Well: DECUS = Digital Equipment Corporation User's Society.
> This group (net.decus) seems oriented more toward DECUS members and their
> activities (large symposiums several times a year, mostly).  It is an unlikely
> place to find technical information, and even if it were: VMS is not the only
> operating system DEC supports.  Even for the VAX there's VaxELAN; for the
> PDP-11 there are at least 10 different OS flavors.

Wonderful, you'll next want us to abolish net.unix in favor of net.usenix.

> And besides, info-vax isn't really VMS specific either.

It damn well is!  If you've actually read it there hasn't been a single
non VMS relate topic on it in a long time.  I used to try to read it
for VAX hardware oriented information, but alas, they don't discuss it
there.   INFO-VAX really is INFO-VMS.

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