new version of "less"

Mark Nudelman mark at nsc-pdc.UUCP
Thu Sep 5 10:59:46 AEST 1985

I have a new version of my paginator program "less".
It has the following features over the last version 
I posted (version 30):

    * Command to invoke an editor on the input file.
    * Acts like "cat" if output is not a terminal.
    * Flag to paint from the top of the screen (like more's -c).
    * Flag to squeeze adjacent blank lines (like more's -s).
    * Flag to automatically quit (or go to the next file) at end-of-file.
    * Flag to set non-standard tab stops.
    * Kludge to make underlining sometimes look nicer on "magic cookie" 
      terminals (those which eat a space to enter underline mode).

(Note that other people have posted versions which include
some of these changes.)

I don't wish to repost so soon since the source is rather large 
(about 100K), and I've messed around with the code so much that 
diffs are infeasible.  So if anyone would like a copy, please 
send me mail at the address below.  I will post only if the 
demand is sufficient, otherwise I'll mail out copies.

Mark Nudelman			ihnp4!nsc!nsc-pdc!mark
National Semiconductor	    or:	tektronix!reed!nsc-pdc!mark

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