shortshort way of reversing the lines in a file

Stephen J. Muir stephen at dcl-cs.UUCP
Tue Sep 3 00:26:33 AEST 1985

In article <822 at lll-crg.UUCP> bandy at lll-crg.UUCP (Andrew Scott Beals) writes:
>Recently, some Gentleman from the UK posted a program that reversed
>the lines in a file. I figured that I should post this somewhat 
>shorter solution.

At least give me the credit -- see the first line of the body of the article.

>#include <stdio.h>
>main() {
>    char	foo[BUFSIZ];
>    if(gets(foo) == NULL) return;
>    main();
>    puts(foo);

This assumes you have enough memory to hold the entire file.  Also, you have to
read it all -- I wrote the program MAINLY because I wanted a QUICK way to scan
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