faster paging in JOVE

Ken Mitchum km at cadre.ARPA
Thu Sep 19 01:26:02 AEST 1985

>	B) Replace the functions NextPage() and PrevPage() in draw.c with
>these versions:
>	LINE	*newline;
>	if (exp_p)
>		DownScroll();
>	else {
>		newline = prev_line(curwind->w_top, curwind->w_height/3);
>		curwind->w_line = newline;
>		DotTo(newline, 0);
>#ifndef UNIX
>		CanScroll = 0;
>	}

While the above works, the following guarantees that a succession of
prev-page next-page commands will return to the same line:

	LINE	*newline;
	int p = (curwind->w_height & 1) ? 1 : 2;

	if (exp_p)
	else {
		newline = prev_line(curwind->w_top, curwind->w_height/3 +p);
		curwind->w_line = newline;
		DotTo(newline, 0);
#ifndef UNIX
		CanScroll = 0;

Sorry, but I did not discover the error until after the posting.

  -Ken Mitchum
  (km at

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