4.2 Window Management System (wms part 2 of 4)

Marc Lesure system at asuvax.UUCP
Thu Sep 19 09:38:04 AEST 1985

wms part 2 of 4

If your site decides on implementing wms, please send mail to the
author so he can send updates (if any) in the future.  Also, please
send all bug reports, problems, fixes, etc. to the author rather
than posting them to net.sources.bugs.

Marc Lesure
System Manager
Engineering Computer Center
Arizona State University
Tempe, Arizona

UUCP:	...!{ucbvax,ihnp4}!arizona!asuvax!lesure
CSNET:  lesure at asu
ARPA:   lesure%asu at csnet-relay

-----------------------------------<cut here>-----------------------------
# This is a shell archive.  Remove all lines before this one.
# Use 'sh <this file>' to unpack the contents.
# contents:
#       release/public
#       release/public/termcap
#       release/public/wms
#       release/public/wms/max.msh.c
#       release/public/wms/max.msh.h
#       release/public/wms/max.wty.c
#       release/public/wms/max.wty.h
#       release/public/wms/msh.h
echo x - release/public
mkdir release/public
echo x - release/public/termcap
sed 's/^@@//' > "release/public/termcap" << '@@ END-OF-FILE'
# ANSI nominal wty prototype... 
WW|wty_|wty prototype :\
	:am:al=\E at A:\
	:bc=\E at B:\
	:cd=\E at C:ce=\E at D:cl=\E at E:cm=15\E at F%3%3:cr=\E at G:\
	:dc=\E at H:dl=\E at I:dm=:do=\E at J:\
	:ho=\E at K:\
	:ic=\E at L:im=:is=\E at M:\
	:kd=\EOB:ke=\E at N:kl=\EOD:kr=\EOC:ks=\E at O:ku=\EOA:\
	:nd=\E at P:nl=\E at Q:\
	:se=\E at R:sf=\E at S:sg#0:so=\E at T:sr=\E at U:\
	:ue=\E at V:ug#0:up=\E at W:us=\E at X:\
	:ve=\E at Y:vs=\E at Z:\
	:we=\E at a:ws=\E at b:
# Other ansi wty window sizes 
WW|wty_24x80|wty :li#24:co#80:tc=wty_:
WW|wty_12x80|wty :li#12:co#80:tc=wty_:
WW|wty_8x80|wty :li#8:co#80:tc=wty_:
WW|wty_6x80|wty :li#6:co#80:tc=wty_:
# wide...
WW|wtyw_24x132|wty :li#24:co#132:tc=wty_:
WW|wtyw_12x132|wty :li#12:co#132:tc=wty_:
WW|wtyw_8x132|wty :li#8:co#132:tc=wty_:
WW|wtyw_6x132|wty :li#6:co#132:tc=wty_:
# anemic vt100 wty entrys...
# vt100 nominal
WW|vwty_|vt100 wty prototype :\
WW|vwty_24x80|vwty :li#24:co#80:tc=vwty_:
WW|vwty_12x80|vwty :li#12:co#80:tc=vwty_:
WW|vwty_8x80|vwty :li#8:co#80:tc=vwty_:
WW|vwty_6x80|vwty :li#6:co#80:tc=vwty_:
# wide...
WW|vwtyw_|vt100 wty prototype :\
WW|vwtyw_24x132|vwtyw :li#24:co#132:tc=vwtyw_:
WW|vwtyw_12x132|vwtyw :li#12:co#132:tc=vwtyw_:
WW|vwtyw_8x132|vwtyw :li#8:co#132:tc=vwtyw_:
WW|vwtyw_6x132|vwtyw :li#6:co#132:tc=vwtyw_:
# ansi - 
0|ansi|ANSI|dec vt100 superset :\
# nelan - vt100 - 
d0|vt100|vt100-am|dec vt100 :\
# wide
d0|vt100w|vt100-amw|wide dec vt100 :\
# cit alias
d0|cit101|CIT101|cit101 ala vt100:\
# wide cit alias
d0|cit101w|CIT101w|wide cit101 ala vt100:\
echo x - release/public/wms
mkdir release/public/wms
echo x - release/public/wms/max.msh.c
sed 's/^@@//' > "release/public/wms/max.msh.c" << '@@ END-OF-FILE'
 * Copyright 1985 by George Nelan, Arizona State University.                *
 * All rights reserved.  Permission to use, modify, and copy these programs *
 * and documentation is granted, provided that the copy is not sold and     *
 * that this copyright and permission notice appear on all copies.          *

/* all msh adjustable max parameters are here */
/* note that they all must be <= maximums as defined in "max.msh.h" */

int	MAXSLAVES	= 4;		/* whatever */
int	MAXNOPOLLS	= 64;		/* tuned! */
int	MAXSHELL	= 64;		/* whatever */
int	MAXTCODE	= 64;		/* whatever */
int	MAXCBUF		= 128;		/* tuned! */
echo x - release/public/wms/max.msh.h
sed 's/^@@//' > "release/public/wms/max.msh.h" << '@@ END-OF-FILE'
 * Copyright 1985 by George Nelan, Arizona State University.                *
 * All rights reserved.  Permission to use, modify, and copy these programs *
 * and documentation is granted, provided that the copy is not sold and     *
 * that this copyright and permission notice appear on all copies.          *


/* all absolute maximums for adjustable max parameters are here */

#define		AMAXSLAVES	9
#define		AMAXNOPOLLS	1024
#define		AMAXSHELL	128
#define		AMAXTCODE	128
#define		AMAXCBUF	512

/* see "max.msh.c" for declarations of following... */

extern	int	MAXSLAVES;
extern	int	MAXNOPOLLS;
extern	int	MAXSHELL;
extern	int	MAXTCODE;
extern	int	MAXCBUF;

echo x - release/public/wms/max.wty.c
sed 's/^@@//' > "release/public/wms/max.wty.c" << '@@ END-OF-FILE'
 * Copyright 1985 by George Nelan, Arizona State University.                *
 * All rights reserved.  Permission to use, modify, and copy these programs *
 * and documentation is granted, provided that the copy is not sold and     *
 * that this copyright and permission notice appear on all copies.          *

/* all wty adjustable max parameters are here */
/* note that they all must be <= maximums as defined in "max.wty.h" */

#include "max.msh.c"

int	MAXWINDOWS 	= 4;		/* == MAXSLAVES */
char	MAXLABEL	= 4 + '0';	/* == MAXSLAVES + '0' */
/* be sure to update max.msh.c !! (MAXSLAVES) */

int	MAXQBUF		= 256;		/* MAXCBUF << 2 */
echo x - release/public/wms/max.wty.h
sed 's/^@@//' > "release/public/wms/max.wty.h" << '@@ END-OF-FILE'
 * Copyright 1985 by George Nelan, Arizona State University.                *
 * All rights reserved.  Permission to use, modify, and copy these programs *
 * and documentation is granted, provided that the copy is not sold and     *
 * that this copyright and permission notice appear on all copies.          *


/* all absolute maximums for adjustable max parameters are here */

#include "max.msh.h"

#define		AMAXQBUF	(AMAXCBUF << 2)

/* see "max.wty.c" for declarations of following... */

extern	int	MAXWINDOWS;
extern	char	MAXLABEL;
extern	int	MAXQBUF;

echo x - release/public/wms/msh.h
sed 's/^@@//' > "release/public/wms/msh.h" << '@@ END-OF-FILE'
 * Copyright 1985 by George Nelan, Arizona State University.                *
 * All rights reserved.  Permission to use, modify, and copy these programs *
 * and documentation is granted, provided that the copy is not sold and     *
 * that this copyright and permission notice appear on all copies.          *

/* command sequence introducer for msh input */
#define M_CSI	"\0@"

/* commands */
#define M_QX	"A"	/* quit execution */
#define M_SS	"B"	/* set shell */
#define M_CC	"C"	/* create csh shell */
#define M_CU	"D"	/* create user shell */
#define M_RS	"E"	/* reset shell size */
#define M_DS	"F"	/* delete shell */
#define M_SX	"G"	/* stop execution (4.2bsd only) */

/* msh output windowing operation: (atomic command) */
#define W_WG	"\027"	/* ^W: Window: Goto window */

echo done

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