A program to list files from bottom

Kim Fabricius Storm storm at diku.UUCP
Tue Sep 17 07:53:22 AEST 1985

In article <11100001 at infoswx> bees at infoswx.UUCP writes:
>Not to mention:
>			tail -r file
>assuming 4bsd...

Yes, except that it will only list the last 4 k (or so) of the
file - so 
	revfile != tail -r
Of course, the right approach would be to replace the -r code in
tail with the revfile code.

Kim F. Storm, Inst of Datalogy(=CS), U of Copenhagen, Sigurdsgade 41, DK-2200 N
UUCP: mcvax!diku!storm, <storm at diku.UUCP>           tel: +45 1 83 64 66, ext 14

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