shortshort way of reversing the lines in a file

Kim Fabricius Storm storm at diku.UUCP
Sun Sep 8 17:42:16 AEST 1985

In article <1124 at mtgzz.UUCP> ecl at mtgzz.UUCP (e.c.leeper) writes:
>What's wrong with:
>	pr -n -t file | sort -nr | sed -e 's/[ 0-9]*	//'

Nothing except that for large files (some uucp logs are > Mbyte) it
this takes time.  I am very greatful for the FAST revfile program, which
I have been missing for a long time. 
  Revfile solves a REAL problem, while your (and others) shortways are
pretty, but also pretty useless.  I also prefer a VAX running UNIX to
a Turing machine even though the latter is all that is really needed
to do my calculations.  And C is better (or at least more structured)
than assembler, or what?
  I welcome any program, that solves my problems faster that the
standard tools.  My time is more valuable than your principles!

Kim F. Storm, Institute of Datalogy, U of Copenhagen, Denmark.

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