Dhrystone results: DEC microvax-II

Joel Coltoff coltoff at burdvax.UUCP
Thu Sep 26 23:53:22 AEST 1985


Since other people are posting results I'll jump in there too.

We had a microvax-II for about two weeks to evaluate it and
see if it is adequate for our needs.

I ran the test 5 times for each program. ( With and without registers ).

	with:		1562 1612 1612 1562 1562
	without:	1612 1562 1612 1612 1470

The first four runs I had the machine all to my lonesome.
The last test run of each program was made while we were 'uucp'ing
binaries from our 785 to test object code compatibility as well as
other performance benchmarks.

	- Joel Coltoff

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