lock your terminal for lunch

Alexis Dimitriadis alexis at reed.UUCP
Thu Sep 26 09:34:00 AEST 1985

In article <3291 at pur-ee.UUCP> davy at pur-ee.UUCP (Dave Curry) writes:
> Here's the program I've been using for several years now to lock
> terminals... as far as I can tell, it is uninterruptible.

  To my knowledge, at least on BSD systems, there is no such thing as
an uninterruptible lock.  There are things you can do that help, but
none of the lock programs that I have seen posted do them.  If you really
want to be safe, log out when you go away.
  I will reply to postings from `root' if those lock programs seem secure
to you.  Much as I dislike locks (tying up a hard-to-get terminal while
the user is having his coffee strikes me as objectionable), I will not 
make those loopholes general knowledge.

PS. Followups will go to net.unix.
  As soon as I get a full time job, the opinions expressed above
will attach themselves to my employer, who will never be rid of
them again.
				alexis @ reed

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