You too can have crabs!

Doug Gwyn <gwyn> gwyn at brl-tgr.ARPA
Wed Sep 4 13:50:28 AEST 1985

	crabs -- see September 1985 Scientific American pages 18..23

	last edit:	85/09/03	D A Gwyn

	SCCS ID:	@(#)crabs.c	1.1	Teletype 5620 DMD version

To compile:
	$ dmdcc -o crabs.m crabs.c	# -g -O also recommended

To run:
	$ 32ld crabs.m			# only runs under mpx mode
	$ 32ld crabs.m -		# for invisible crabs

#ifndef lint
static char	SCCS_ID[] = "@(#)crabs.c	1.1 85/09/03";	/* for "what" utility */

#include	<blit.h>

typedef int	bool;			/* Boolean data type */
#define	false	0
#define	true	1

#define	NCRABS	32			/* total number of crabs (1..32) */

#define	MAXVEL	8			/* bound on absolute velocity component */

#define	PERIOD	2			/* sleep time (ticks) per cycle */

static bool	visible;		/* true if crabs are to be shown */

static Texture	grey =			/* background texture */
	0x11111111, 0x44444444, 0x11111111, 0x44444444,
	0x11111111, 0x44444444, 0x11111111, 0x44444444,
	0x11111111, 0x44444444, 0x11111111, 0x44444444,
	0x11111111, 0x44444444, 0x11111111, 0x44444444,
	0x11111111, 0x44444444, 0x11111111, 0x44444444,
	0x11111111, 0x44444444, 0x11111111, 0x44444444,
	0x11111111, 0x44444444, 0x11111111, 0x44444444,
	0x11111111, 0x44444444, 0x11111111, 0x44444444

static struct
	Point	ulc;			/* upper left corner screen coordinates */
	Point	vel;			/* velocity (pixels/cycle) */
	}	crab[NCRABS];		/* keeps track of crabs' state */

static Bitmap	screen =		/* full screen definition */
	(Word *)0x700000L,		/* DMD screen image base address */
	(XMAX + 31) / 32,		/* bitmap width in 32-bit Words */
	0, 0, XMAX, YMAX		/* screen rectangle within bitmap */

/* There are 4 possible crab orientations, each of which
   has 4 possible relationships with the grey background.
   (Scientific American article says 8, but it's wrong.) */

/* Crab images XORed with grey texture at various offsets: */

static Word	upcrab[] =		/* facing up */

static Word	downcrab[] =		/* facing down */

static Word	rightcrab[] =		/* facing right */

static Word	leftcrab[] =		/* facing left */

/* The bitmaps for the four orientations: */

static Bitmap	upmap = { upcrab, 1, 0, 0, 32, 8 };		/* facing up */
static Bitmap	downmap = { downcrab, 1, 0, 0, 32, 8 };		/* facing down */
static Bitmap	rightmap = { rightcrab, 1, 0, 0, 32, 8 };	/* facing right */
static Bitmap	leftmap = { leftcrab, 1, 0, 0, 32, 8 };		/* facing left */

/* Crab "vicinities" are recorded in the following
   global map; see Collide() and Draw() for details: */

static int	vicinity[(XMAX + 31) / 32 + 2][(YMAX + 31) / 32 + 2];
					/* includes margins all around */

static void	Cycle(), DrawCrab(), HideCrabs(), Init(), ModVel(), NewVel();
static int	Collide(), RandInt();

main( argc, argv )
	int	argc;
	char	*argv[];
	Init( argc, argv );		/* set up initial grey crab layer */

	for ( ; ; )			/* no way out! */
		sleep( PERIOD );	/* relinquish the processor */

		Cycle();		/* move the crabs */

static void
Init( argc, argv )			/* set up initial crab layer */
	int	argc;
	char	*argv[];
	int	i;			/* crab # */

	visible = argc <= 1;		/* default is to show crabs */

	texture( &display, display.rect, &grey, F_STORE );	/* crab layer */

	display.rect.corner = display.rect.origin;	/* make unpickable */

	/* Create initial set of crabs: */

	for ( i = 0; i < NCRABS; ++i )
		/* Assign random position within "crabs" layer: */

		crab[i].ulc.x = RandInt( display.rect.origin.x,
					 display.rect.corner.x - 8
		crab[i].ulc.y = RandInt( display.rect.origin.y,
					 display.rect.corner.y - 8

		/* Assign random velocity: */

		NewVel( i );

		/* Draw crab at initial position (within "crabs" layer): */

		if ( visible )
			DrawCrab( i );

static void
Cycle()					/* one motion cycle for all crabs */
	static Word	old[8];		/* old contents of new crab position */
	static Bitmap	oldmap = { old, 1, 0, 0, 8, 8 };
	Point		p;		/* new crab upper left corner */
	Rectangle	r;		/* new crab area */
	int		syndrome;	/* crab collision mask */
	int		i;		/* crab # */
	int		w;		/* index for old[.] */

	for ( i = 0; i < NCRABS; ++i )
		DrawCrab( i );		/* erase crab from previous position */

		for ( ; ; )		/* determine a new position */
			p.x = crab[i].ulc.x + crab[i].vel.x;	/* motion */
			p.y = crab[i].ulc.y + crab[i].vel.y;

			if ( p.x >= 0 && p.x < XMAX - 8
			  && p.y >= 0 && p.y < YMAX - 8
				break;	/* on-screen, proceed */

			/* Bounce off edge of screen: */

			NewVel( i );	/* assign new velocity */

		r.origin = p;
		r.corner.x = p.x + 8;
		r.corner.y = p.y + 8;

		/* Check for collision with other crabs;
		   if you don't worry about this, you get
		   crud left behind from crab collisions
		   (visible in Scientific American article).
		   (Note that crab # i has been removed.) */

		/* The strategy is: only undraw possibly colliding crabs.
		   The obvious alternative, not showing any crabs until
		   all locations have been painted, would probably cause
		   the set of crabs to flicker or to appear too faint. */

		if ( (syndrome = Collide( p )) != 0 )
			HideCrabs( syndrome );	/* save from the following code */

		/* Save old contents of new crab location: */

		bitblt( &screen, r, &oldmap, Pt( 0, 0 ), F_STORE );

		/* Paint the new location grey: */

		texture( &screen, r, &grey, F_STORE );

		/* Determine if new location used to be grey: */

		bitblt( &screen, r, &oldmap, Pt( 0, 0 ), F_XOR );

		for ( w = 0; w < 8; ++w )
			if ( old[w] != 0 )
				{	/* this location has been nibbled */
				p = crab[i].ulc;	/* reset position */

				NewVel( i );	/* bounce away from bite */


		if ( syndrome != 0 )
			HideCrabs( syndrome );	/* bring them back */

		/* Draw the crab in its new position: */

		crab[i].ulc = p;

		ModVel( i );		/* randomly alter crab velocity */

		DrawCrab( i );

static int
Collide( p )				/* return syndrome for crab collision */
	Point	p;			/* crab upper left corner */
	int	syndrome;		/* accumulate syndrome here */
	bool	right = p.x % 32 > 32 - 8,
		down = p.y % 32 > 32 - 8;	/* more than one vicinity? */
	int	x32 = p.x / 32,
		y32 = p.y / 32;		/* vicinity array indices */

	/* "Or" in crabs from overlapping vicinities: */

	syndrome = vicinity[x32 + 1][y32 + 1];
	if ( right )
		syndrome |= vicinity[x32 + 1 + 1][y32 + 1];
	if ( down )
		syndrome |= vicinity[x32 + 1][y32 + 1 + 1];
	if ( right && down )
		syndrome |= vicinity[x32 + 1 + 1][y32 + 1 + 1];	

	return syndrome;

static void
HideCrabs( syndrome )			/* draw crabs contained in syndrome */
	int	syndrome;		/* syndrome (crab bit flags) */
	int	i;			/* indexes crab[.] */
	int	m;			/* bit mask for crab # i */

	for ( m = 1, i = 0; i < NCRABS; m <<= 1, ++i )
		if ( (m & syndrome) != 0 )	/* crab contained in syndrome */
			DrawCrab( i );	/* toggle crab */

static void
DrawCrab( i )				/* draw specified crab */
	int	i;			/* crab # (0..NCRABS-1) */
	Point	p;			/* upper left corner for crab image */
	Point	v;			/* crab velocity */
	Bitmap	*whichmap;		/* -> 1 of 4 possible crab orientations */
	int	index;			/* selects 1 of 4 crab offsets wrt grey */
	int	x32, y32;		/* vicinity array indices */
	bool	right, down;		/* more than one vicinity? */
	int	syn_bit;		/* crab possible-occupancy bit */

	if ( visible )
		p = crab[i].ulc;
		v = crab[i].vel;

		if ( abs( v.x ) >= abs( v.y ) )
			if ( v.x > 0 )
				whichmap = &upmap;
				whichmap = &downmap;
			if ( v.y > 0 )
				whichmap = &rightmap;
				whichmap = &leftmap;

		index = (p.x + p.y * 2) % 4 * 8;
		bitblt( whichmap,
			Rect( index, 0, index + 8, 8 ),

		/* A crab's vicinities are the disjoint 32x32 regions
		   that contain any piece of the crab's 8x8 square.
		   On the average, 9 out of 16 crabs occupy just 1
		   vicinity; 6 out of 16 crabs occupy 2 vicinities,
		   and 1 out of every 16 crabs occupies 4 vicinities. */

		x32 = p.x / 32;
		y32 = p.y / 32;		/* coords for upper left vicinity */

		right = p.x % 32 > 32 - 8;	/* also next vicinity right? */
		down = p.y % 32 > 32 - 8;	/* also next vicinty down? */

		/* Toggle crab's occupancy bit in all occupied vicinities: */

		syn_bit = 1 << i;

		vicinity[x32 + 1][y32 + 1] ^= syn_bit;
		if ( right )
			vicinity[x32 + 1 + 1][y32 + 1] ^= syn_bit;
		if ( down )
			vicinity[x32 + 1][y32 + 1 + 1] ^= syn_bit;
		if ( right && down )
			vicinity[x32 + 1 + 1][y32 + 1 + 1] ^= syn_bit;	
	/* else nibble away but don't show crabs */

static void
NewVel( i )				/* assign new velocity to crab */
	int	i;			/* crab # */
	crab[i].vel.x = RandInt( 1 - MAXVEL, MAXVEL );
	crab[i].vel.y = RandInt( 1 - MAXVEL, MAXVEL );

	/* Velocity (0,0) is okay since we repeatedly modify all velocities. */

static void
ModVel( i )				/* randomly modify crab velocity */
	int	i;			/* crab # */
	int	d;			/* increment */

	if ( crab[i].vel.x >= MAXVEL - 1 )
		d = RandInt( -1, 1 );
	else if ( crab[i].vel.x <= 1 - MAXVEL )
		d = RandInt( 0, 2 );
		d = RandInt( -1, 2 );

	crab[i].vel.x += d;

	if ( crab[i].vel.y >= MAXVEL - 1 )
		d = RandInt( -1, 1 );
	else if ( crab[i].vel.y <= 1 - MAXVEL )
		d = RandInt( 0, 2 );
		d = RandInt( -1, 2 );

	crab[i].vel.y += d;

static int
RandInt( lo, hi )			/* generate random integer in range */
	int	lo, hi;			/* range lo..hi-1 */
	return lo + (hi - lo) * rand() / 32768;

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