4.2 Window Management System (wms part 0 of 4)

Marc Lesure system at asuvax.UUCP
Thu Sep 19 09:31:18 AEST 1985

Due to overwhelming demand for the 4.2 Window Management System,
I've decided to post it to net.sources.  The wms package is being
sent in four parts.

If your site decides on implementing wms, please send mail to the
author so he can send updates (if any) in the future.  Also, please
send all bug reports, problems, fixes, etc. to the author rather
than posting them to net.sources.bugs.  This will allow him to
maintain the system better. 

Marc Lesure
System Manager
Engineering Computer Center
Arizona State University
Tempe, Arizona

UUCP:	...!{ucbvax,ihnp4}!arizona!asuvax!lesure
CSNET:  lesure at asu
ARPA:   lesure%asu at csnet-relay

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