X.PC protocol description - part one of two

Keith Petersen W8SDZ at SIMTEL20.ARPA
Tue Sep 3 22:35:15 AEST 1985

The following is supplied by TYMNET, Inc. and forwarded for your
information.  Tymnet now supports this protocol.  It offers error-free
terminal sessions, something all us modem users wish we had with our
net hosts!

--Keith Petersen
uucp:  ...!seismo!SIMTEL20.ARPA!W8SDZ
uucp:  ...!{decvax,unc,hao,cbosgd,seismo,aplvax,uci}!brl-bmd!w8sdz
uucp:  ...!{ihnp4!cbosgd,cmcl2!esquire}!brl-bmd!w8sdz

---cut here---X-PC.DOC part one of two---cut here---

			      X.PC Protocol Specification

				      Version 1.0

				   September 8, 1983

				    Tymshare, Inc.

			      Network Technology Division

				      N O T I C E

	    This specification  is published by  Tymshare as a  proposal to
	    the designers and implementors of  personal computer communica-
	    tions  software  and  packet network  systems.   Tymshare  Inc.
	    reserves the right to revise this specification for any reason,
	    including conformity with standards promulgated by ANSI, CCITT,
	    ECMA, ISO, NBS, or  similar agencies; utilization of  new tech-
	    nology; or accommodation of  changes in communications systems.
	    Liability for  difficulties arising from  technical limitations
	    is disclaimed.

	    The  provision of  a network  service  based on  a protocol  as
	    described in this  document requires further  technical assess-
	    ment as well as certain business  decisions.  As of the date of
	    publication of this document, this technical assessment has not
	    been completed nor have the  business decisions been made.  Any
	    expenditures that may be made predicated on the possible avail-
	    ability  of this  service are  the sole  responsibility of  the
	    party authorizing such expenditures.


	    This specification is  the product of Tymnet  research into the
	    market need and  potential models for a  reliable communication
	    protocol  that  provides value-added  packet  switched  network
	    services to personal computers.

	    Personal computers,  once used only  as dedicated  and isolated
	    systems, are increasingly being  used in applications requiring
	    reliable communication with other  personal and host computers.
	    The X.PC protocol provides reliable communication over dial-up,
	    asynchronous  communications links  between personal  computers
	    and packet switched networks.

	    Being a derivative of X.25, X.PC  provides the class of service
	    defined by the Open Systems  Interconnect model for the network

	    Tymnet solicits comments on this  specification from all inter-
	    ested parties.  Comments should be addressed to:

				    X.PC Development Group
				    Network Technology Division
				    Tymshare, Inc.
				    10261 Bubb Road
				    Cupertino, CA 95014

	    X.PC Protocol Specification			  September 8, 1983


	    1.0 SCOPE AND FIELD OF APPLICATION .......................... 1

	    2.0 REFERENCES .............................................. 2

	    3.0 DESIGN GOALS ............................................ 3

	       3.1 Reliability .......................................... 3

		  3.1.1 Low Undetected Bit Error Rate ................... 3

		  3.1.2 Delivery of Data in Correct Sequence ............ 3

		  3.1.3 Recovery from Loss of Physical Connection ....... 4

	       3.2 Throughput ........................................... 4

		  3.2.1 Low Protocol Overhead ........................... 4

		  3.2.2 Window Algorithm ................................ 4

		  3.2.3 Timely Recovery from Transmission Line Errors ... 5

	       3.3 Functionality ........................................ 5

		  3.3.1 Multiple Logical Paths .......................... 5

		  3.3.2 Operation Without a Packet Switched Network ..... 5

		  3.3.3 Optimization for Batch or Interactive Traffic ... 5

		  3.3.4 Different Levels of Service ..................... 6

	       3.4 Standards ............................................ 6

	       3.5 Compatibility with Personal Computer Capabilities .... 6

	    4.0 PACKET LAYER LOGICAL INTERFACE .......................... 7

	       4.1 Introduction and General Considerations .............. 7

		  4.1.1 Logical Channels ................................ 8

		  4.1.2 Packet Layer Entity ............................ 11

		  4.1.3 Basic Packet Structure ......................... 11

								     Page i

	    X.PC Protocol Specification			  September 8, 1983

		  4.1.4 Maximum Packet Size ............................ 13

		  4.1.5 Determining DTE/DXE Characteristics ............ 13

	       4.2 Flow Control Procedures ............................. 13

		  4.2.1 Numbering of Packets ........................... 13

		  4.2.2 Window Description ............................. 14

		  4.2.3 Data Packet Limit .............................. 14

		  4.2.4 Flow Control Principles ........................ 14

		  4.2.5 Receive Ready Packet ........................... 15

		  4.2.6 Receive Not Ready Packet ....................... 16

	       4.3 Error Recovery Procedures ........................... 16

		  4.3.1 T15/T25 Timer and R15/R25 Counter .............. 16

		  4.3.2 T17/T27 Timer and R17/R27 Counter .............. 18

		  4.3.3 Other Timers and Counters ...................... 19

		  4.3.4 Out-of-Sequence Packet ......................... 19

		  4.3.5 Duplicate Packets .............................. 22

	       4.4 Packet Format Introduction .......................... 22

		  4.4.1 General Format Identifier Field ................ 23

		  4.4.2 Logical Channel Identifier Field ............... 24

		  4.4.3 Packet Receive Sequence Number Field ........... 24

		  4.4.4 Packet Send Sequence Number Field .............. 24

		  4.4.5 Packet Type Identifier Field ................... 24

	       4.5 Call Setup and Call Clearing Packet Formats ......... 26

		  4.5.1 Call Request and Incoming Call Packets ......... 26

		  4.5.2 Call Accepted and Call Connected Packets ....... 30

								    Page ii

	    X.PC Protocol Specification			  September 8, 1983

		  4.5.3 Clear Request and Clear Indication Packets ..... 33

		  4.5.4 Clear Confirmation Packet ...................... 35

	       4.6 Data and Interrupt Packet Formats ................... 36

		  4.6.1 Data Packet .................................... 36

		  4.6.2 Interrupt Packet ............................... 37

		  4.6.3 Interrupt Confirmation Packet .................. 38

	       4.7 Flow Control Packet Formats ......................... 39

		  4.7.1 Receive Ready Packet ........................... 39

		  4.7.2 Receive Not Ready Packet ....................... 40

	       4.8 Reset Packet Formats ................................ 41

		  4.8.1 Reset Request and Reset Indication Packets ..... 41

		  4.8.2 Reset Confirmation Packet ...................... 43

	       4.9 Restart Packet Formats .............................. 44

		  4.9.1 Restart Request and Restart Indication Packets . 44

		  4.9.2 Restart Confirmation Packet .................... 47

	       4.10 Diagnostic Packet Format ........................... 47

	       4.11 Reject Packet Format ............................... 49

	       4.12 Optional User Facilities Other Than X.25 ........... 50

	       4.13 Optional User Facility Format ...................... 50

		  4.13.1 Flow Control Parameter Packet Size ............ 51

		  4.13.2 Flow Control Parameter Window Size ............ 51

		  4.13.3 Reconnect Facility ............................ 52

	    5.0 DATA LINK LAYER SPECIFICATION .......................... 53

	       5.1 Framing Format ...................................... 53

								   Page iii

	    X.PC Protocol Specification			  September 8, 1983

	       5.2 Maximum Data Link Frame Size ........................ 55

	    Appendix A, PACKET FORMATS ................................. 56

	    INDEX ...................................................... 66

								    Page iv

	    X.PC Protocol Specification			  September 8, 1983



	     1  Packet Groupings/Functions ............................. 12

	     2  DCE and DTE Timers and Counters ........................ 19

	     3  General Format Identifier .............................. 23

	     4  Packet Type Identifier ................................. 25

	     5  Coding of the Restarting Cause Field in Restart
		Indication Packets ..................................... 46



	     1  Logical Channel Identifier Assignment .................. 9

	     2  General Packet Format .............................. 11, 56

	     3  Timer Recovery from Lost Acknowledgment ................ 17

	     4  Timer Recovery from Loss of Last Packet Sent in a
		Window with No More Packets to Send .................... 18

	     5  Recovery from Out-of-Sequence Packet ................... 20

	     6  Recovery from More Than One Lost Packet ................ 21

	     7  Timer Recovery from Loss of Last Packet Sent in a
		Window with More Packets to Send ....................... 22

	     8  Call Request and Incoming Call Packet Format ....... 27, 57

	     9  Call Accepted and Call Connected Packet Format ..... 31, 58

	    10  Clear Request and Clear Indication Packet Format ... 34, 59

	    11  Clear Confirmation Packet Format ................... 36, 59

	    12  Data Packet Format ................................. 37, 60

	    13  Interrupt Packet Format ............................ 38, 60

	    14  Interrupt Confirmation Packet Format ............... 39, 61

	    15  Receive Ready Packet Format ........................ 40, 61

								     Page v

	    X.PC Protocol Specification			  September 8, 1983

	    16  Receive Not Ready Packet Format .................... 41, 62

	    17  Reset Request and Reset Indication Packet Format ... 42, 62

	    18  Reset Confirmation Packet Format ................... 44, 63

	    19  Restart Request and Restart Indication Packet
		Format.............................................. 45, 63

	    20  Restart Confirmation Packet Format ................. 47, 64

	    21  Diagnostic Packet Format ........................... 48, 64

	    22  Reject Packet Format ............................... 49, 65

	    23  X.PC Data Link Transmission Frame Format ............... 54

								    Page vi

	    X.PC Protocol Specification			  September 8, 1983




	    This specification defines the formats and procedures at X.PC's
	    packet and data  link layers for Data  Terminal Equipment (DTE)
	    and Data Communication Equipment  (DCE).  Both switched virtual
	    call and permanent virtual call modes of operation are defined.

	    This specification covers  DTE and DCE operation  when a packet
	    switched network is accessed through a circuit switched or ded-
	    icated  connection.  It  also  includes  the additional  packet
	    layer procedures necessary for two DTEs to communicate directly
	    (i.e., without an  intervening packet switched network)  over a
	    dedicated or circuit switched connection.


	    X.PC Protocol Specification			  September 8, 1983



	    CCITT  Recommendation  X.25, Interface  between  data  terminal
	    equipment (DTE)  and data  circuit-terminating equipment  (DCE)
	    for terminals operating in the packet  mode on public data net-
	    works, X25 DR80002.

	    ISO Standard X.25, Packet Layer Specification for Data Terminal
	    Equipment, ISO/TC 97/SC 6.

	    CCITT Recommendation X.96, Call progress signals in public data
	    networks, Vol VIII, Fascicle VIII.3.

	    ISO Reference Model  of Open Systems Interconnection  for CCITT

						       REFERENCES    Page 2

	    X.PC Protocol Specification			  September 8, 1983



	    This section addresses  reliability, throughput, functionality,
	    compatibility with  standards, and compatibility  with personal
	    computer processing capability.

	    SECTION 3.1 Reliability


	    The X.PC protocol  must provide for the  error-free exchange of
	    data between DTE and DXE, where  error-free is defined as a low
	    undetected  bit error  rate, the  delivery of  data in  correct
	    sequence, and the ability to recover  from loss of the physical
	    connection.   The term  DXE  is used  in  those contexts  where
	    either a DTE or a DCE is applicable.

	    3.1.1 Low Undetected Bit Error Rate


	    User data  is grouped into X.PC  packets that are  protected by
	    the X.PC data link frame.  Cyclic redundancy check bits provide
	    the following level of detection:

			   Single bit errors: 100%
			   Double bit errors: 100%
		    Odd number of error bits: 100%
	       Error burst less than 17 bits: 100%
	    Error burst greater than 17 bits: 10(-5) probability that the
					      burst is undetected

	    Assuming a fixed-length  block of 1000 bits  transmitted over a
	    1200 bit per  second dial-up telephone line with  an error rate
	    of 10(-3),  the theoretical undetected  error rate is  10(-3) x
	    10(-5) or 10(-8).	The probability is that as  many as 100,000
	    blocks can be transmitted (in  1388 hours) before an undetected
	    error occurs.   The figure  used for  the telephone  line error
	    rate, 10(-3), is pessimistic.

	    3.1.2 Delivery of Data in Correct Sequence


	    User data is  grouped into packets  that are  sequentially num-
	    bered using modulo 16  arithmetic.  Packets lost due  to trans-
	    mission line errors are retransmitted  using this sequence num-
	    ber, recovering the lost packet in the correct sequence.

						     DESIGN GOALS    Page 3

	    X.PC Protocol Specification			  September 8, 1983

	    Duplicate packets,  which may  be transmitted  to recover  from
	    transmission line  errors, are  detected by  the same  sequence
	    numbering scheme and are discarded,  thus preserving the origi-
	    nal data sequence.

	    3.1.3 Recovery from Loss of Physical Connection

	    X.PC reconnects  logical paths without  loss or  duplication of
	    data using its  reconnect facility.  Keys are  exchanged at the
	    time  logical paths  are established  which, in  the event  the
	    physical connection  is lost, can  be exchanged  to reestablish
	    logical connections once  the physical connection  is reestabl-

	    SECTION 3.2 Throughput


	    Given the 20% overhead of  asynchronous character framing, X.PC
	    must utilize the remaining bandwidth as efficiently as possible
	    to provide good throughput and to minimize delay.  Bandwidth is
	    utilized efficiently  through low  protocol overhead,  a window
	    algorithm, and timely recovery from transmission line errors.

	    3.2.1 Low Protocol Overhead


	    Assuming a  packet containing 128  octets of user  data, X.PC's
	    protocol overhead is 8 octets,  resulting in 94% utilization of
	    the asynchronous bandwidth.

	    Length encoding for data transparency  minimizes protocol over-
	    head.  Unlike byte stuffing, which  incurs an increasing amount
	    of overhead dependent on data  values, length encoding incurs a
	    low constant fixed overhead independent of data values.

	    Eliminating  duplication of  function  between protocol  layers
	    also contributes to  the reduction of protocol  overhead.  X.PC
	    provides flow control and error  recovery at one protocol layer
	    and error detection at another.

	    3.2.2 Window Algorithm


	    Through  the use  of sequence  numbers combined  with a  window
	    algorithm X.PC allows multiple packets to be transmitted before
	    acknowledgment is  required.  X.PC also  allows acknowledgments
	    to be added to data flowing in the opposite direction.

						     DESIGN GOALS    Page 4

	    X.PC Protocol Specification			  September 8, 1983

	    3.2.3 Timely Recovery from Transmission Line Errors

	    X.PC's data  frame protects the  packet header,  which contains
	    the packet  sequence numbers, separately  from the rest  of the
	    packet, which contains user data.	Because the packet sequence
	    numbers are known, errors that occur  in the second part of the
	    frame result in the immediate request for retransmission of the
	    frame rather than waiting for another packet or a timeout.

	    SECTION 3.3 Functionality


	    X.PC combines the capabilities and  characteristics of a packet
	    switched network and personal  computers.  This is accomplished
	    by providing multiple logical paths over a single physical con-
	    nection, operating without an intervening  packet switched net-
	    work, allowing  optimization for batch or  interactive traffic,
	    and providing different levels of service.

	    3.3.1 Multiple Logical Paths


	    The combination of X.PC's multiple logical  paths with a multi-
	    ple window  server on a personal  computer opens the door  to a
	    new generation  of networking applications nearly  unlimited in
	    scope.  X.PC is also ideally suited  to service the coming gen-
	    eration of multiple task applications.

	    3.3.2 Operation Without a Packet Switched Network

	    Although X.PC is  intended for use between  a personal computer
	    and  a packet  switched network,  the protocol  does allow  for
	    direct connection between personal computers  or between a per-
	    sonal computer and a host.

	    3.3.3 Optimization for Batch or Interactive Traffic

	    During call  setup, both  packet size  and window  size can  be
	    negotiated to optimize for the traffic type.

						     DESIGN GOALS    Page 5

	    X.PC Protocol Specification			  September 8, 1983

	    3.3.4 Different Levels of Service


	    X.PC specifies both  a simple permanent virtual  call procedure
	    and a more powerful switched virtual call procedure.  Both pro-
	    cedures can be used simultaneously over  the same physical con-

	    SECTION 3.4 Standards


	    X.PC is  based on CCITT  recommendation X.25 and  thus benefits
	    from  the wide  understanding of  X.25's principles.   Further,
	    because X.PC provides  nearly all  X.25 functions  to asynchro-
	    nous,  low-speed personal  computers,  it  is possible  for  an
	    intelligent  packet switched  network to  convert  X.PC into  a
	    CCITT X.25 network.

	    X.PC's being based upon CCITT recommendation X.25 also provides
	    a growth path for the implementation of X.28/X.29 PAD functions
	    in a personal computer.  In general, X.PC provides an excellent
	    base upon which higher level protocols may be implemented.

	    SECTION 3.5 Compatibility with Personal Computer Capabilities

	    X.PC was designed to be implemented  easily on the current gen-
	    eration of  high performance 8-bit and  16-bit microprocessors.
	    Most of the protocol fields occupy either the high order 4 bits
	    or low order 4 bits of  an octet, which are easily accommodated
	    by  both high-level  and  low-level  languages.  The  remaining
	    fields occupy full octets.

	    The use of length encoding  for data transparency minimizes CPU
	    overhead compared to byte stuffing, in which every data charac-
	    ter must be processed.

						     DESIGN GOALS    Page 6

	    X.PC Protocol Specification			  September 8, 1983



	    This section contains an introduction to the packet layer logi-
	    cal interface, flow control and  error recovery procedures, and
	    discussions of  the various  packet formats  and optional  user
	    facilities other than X.25.

	    SECTION 4.1 Introduction and General Considerations


	    This section  defines X.PC's  packet layer,  which governs  the
	    transfer of packets at a DTE/DCE or DTE/DTE interface, from the
	    viewpoint of both the DTE and DCE.

	    The packet layer in a sending DXE packetizes messages delivered
	    by a  higher level  entity in  the same  DXE before  giving the
	    information to a link layer protocol for transmission.

	    The packet layer  in a receiving DXE receives  packets from the
	    link  layer, checks  the packets  for  correctness, strips  off
	    packet layer  headers, generates  messages from  the packetized
	    user data, and passes them to a higher level entity in the same

	    X.PC's packet  layer logical  interface provides  the following
	    capabilities that facilitate reliable and efficient data commu-

	      o  Multiplexing: The ability to support multiple data streams

	      o  Flow  control:  The  ability to  control,  for  each  data
		 stream, the flow of data  between transmitting and receiv-
		 ing DTEs and DXEs

	      o  Error control: The ability to  detect errors at the packet
		 layer and to correct errors indicated by the link layer

	      o  Reset and restart: The ability  to reinitialize communica-
		 tion paths at the packet layer if serious errors occur

	    These functions are made possible through the use of:

	      o  Logical channel numbers

	      o  Send and receive sequence numbers

	      o  Data packets


	    X.PC Protocol Specification			  September 8, 1983

	      o  Control packets that regulate information flow

	      o  Control packets that request retransmission of data packets

	      o  Control packets that reinitialize communication

	    4.1.1 Logical Channels


	    To permit simultaneous switched virtual calls, logical channels
	    are used.  Each call is  assigned a logical channel identifier,
	    which is  a number  in the range  1 - 15.  The  logical channel
	    identifier is assigned during the call setup phase from a range
	    of previously agreed upon logical channel identifiers.  Logical
	    channel identifier 0 is reserved and may not be assigned.

	    A DTE's use of particular logical channels is agreed upon for a
	    period with the DXE.  Figure 1 shows  the structure for assign-
	    ing logical  channels.  No  more than  15 simultaneous  virtual
	    calls may be established at any one time.

	    Logical channel 1 is used for  a single logical channel DTE/DXE
	    interface.  The logical channels shown in Figure 1 are used for
	    a multiple logical channel DTE/DXE interface.


	    X.PC Protocol Specification			  September 8, 1983

				0 |
				1 |
			      LIC |  --.
				  |    | One-way incoming
				  |    |
			      HIC |  --:
			      LTC |  --.
				  |    |
				  |    | Two-way
				  |    |
			      HTC |  --:
			      LOC |  --.
				  |    |
				  |    | One-way outgoing
				  |    |
				  |    |
			      HOC |  --:
			       15 |

			  LCI: Logical channel identifier
	    LIC: Lowest incoming channel    HIC: Highest incoming channel
	    LTC: Lowest two-way channel     HTC: Highest two-way channel
	    LOC: Lowest outgoing channel    HOC: Highest outgoing channel

		    Figure 1  Logical Channel Identifier Assignment

	    The following comments apply to Figure 1.

	    Logical channels are assigned for a period with the DXE as fol-

	    Logical channels LIC to HIC: The range of logical channels that
	    are assigned to  one-way incoming logical channels  for virtual
	    calls (see Note 4).

	    Logical channels LTC to HTC: The range of logical channels that
	    are assigned to two-way logical channels for virtual calls.


	    X.PC Protocol Specification			  September 8, 1983

	    Logical channels LOC to HOC: The range of logical channels that
	    are assigned to  one-way outgoing logical channels  for virtual
	    calls (see Note 4).

	    Logical channels outside the ranges LIC to HIC, LTC to HTC, and
	    LOC to HOC are unassigned logical channels.

	    Note 1: The references to logical  channel identifiers are made
		    according to a set  of contiguous numbers from  0 (low-
		    est) to 15 (highest) using bits 4 through 1 of octet 1.
		    The numbering is  binary coded, where bit 1  is the low
		    order bit.

	    Note 2: logical channel identifier 0 may not be assigned.

	    Note 3: All logical channel boundaries are agreed upon with the
		    DXE for a specified time.

	    Note 4: In a  DTE/DTE environment, one  DTE views the  range of
		    logical channel identifiers as  presented here, whereas
		    the other DTE  views it as a DCE (e.g.,  the latter DTE
		    views the  range from LIC  to HIC as  one-way outgoing)
		    (see Section 4.2.5).

	    Note 5: In the  absence of  one-way incoming  logical channels,
		    logical channel 1 is available  for LTC. In the absence
		    of one-way incoming logical channels  and two-way logi-
		    cal channels, logical channel 1 is available for LOC.

	    Note 6: The search algorithm of a DCE, or a DTE performing as a
		    DCE in a DTE/DTE environment, for a logical channel for
		    a new incoming call will be  to use the lowest numbered
		    logical channel in the ready state (p1) in the range of
		    LIC to HIC  and LTC to HTC.   (See CCITT recommendation

	    Note 7: To minimize the risk of  call collision, the DTE search
		    algorithm  starts  with the  highest  numbered  logical
		    channel in the ready state  (p1) in the two-way logical
		    channel (HTC) or one-way outgoing logical channel (HOC)


	    X.PC Protocol Specification			  September 8, 1983

	    4.1.2 Packet Layer Entity


	    The concept of communication via  logical channels is native to
	    packet layer terminology.	It is conceivable, however,  that a
	    DTE may have one or more connections to one or more packet net-
	    works and/or to one or more  DTEs without an intervening packet
	    network.  Therefore, it  is necessary to introduce  the concept
	    of a  'packet layer' entity.  One  such entity exists in  a DTE
	    for each DTE/DTE (without an intervening packet network) inter-
	    face or for each DTE/DCE (packet network) interface.

	    Which  entity  to use  to  reach  a particular  destination  is
	    decided external  to the  protocol described  here.  The  items
	    discussed in this  section pertain to each  packet layer entity
	    in a DTE or DCE.

	    4.1.3 Basic Packet Structure


	    Each packet  transferred across the DTE/DXE  interface consists
	    of three or more octets.  The first two octets contain the gen-
	    eral  format  identifier, logical  channel  identifier,  packet
	    receive  sequence  number,  and  packet  send  sequence  number
	    fields.  The third octet contains either  the packet type iden-
	    tifier or one  octet of packet user data.	Other packet fields
	    are appended as required (see Section 4.4).  Figure 2 shows the
	    generalized packet format.

			     8	 7   6	 5   4	 3   2	 1
		    Octet  .---.---.---.---.---.---.---.---.
			   |	 G F I	   |	 L C I	   |
		      1    |		   |		   |
			   |	P(R)	   |	P(S)	   |
		      2    |		   |		   |
			   |	Packet type identifier	   |
		      3    |				   |
			   |  Additional fields dependent  |
			   //	    on packet type	  //
			   |				   |

			    Figure 2  General Packet Format


	    X.PC Protocol Specification			  September 8, 1983

	    For interoperability across  all DTE/DXE interfaces,  any addi-
	    tional field appended after the first three octets must contain
	    an integral number of octets.

	    Packet types are given in Table 1.

					Table 1

			      Packet Groupings/Functions

	  | Packet Group |	Function	    |	  Packet Type	     |
	  | Call setup	 | Establish and terminate  | Call request	     |
	  | and call	 | a virtual call for	    | Incoming call	     |
	  | clearing	 | DTE/DXE communication;   | Call accepted	     |
	  | (see note)	 | may convey data for	    | Call connected	     |
	  |		 | higher-level entity	    | Clear request	     |
	  |		 | processing		    | Clear indication	     |
	  |		 |			    | Clear confirmation     |
	  | Data and	 | Convey data or	    | Data		     |
	  | interrupt	 | interrupt information    | Interrupt		     |
	  |		 | for higher-level	    | Interrupt confirmation |
	  |		 | entity processing	    |			     |
	  | Flow control | Control the flow	    | Receive ready	     |
	  | and reset	 | of data packets	    | Receive not ready      |
	  |		 | across a DTE/DXE	    | Reject		     |
	  |		 | interface		    | Reset request	     |
	  |		 |			    | Reset indication	     |
	  |		 |			    | Reset confirmation     |
	  | Restart	 | (Re)Initialize all	    | Restart request	     |
	  |		 | communication between    | Restart indication     |
	  |		 | a DTE and a DXE	    | Restart confirmation   |
	  | Diagnostic	 | Pass error diagnostics   | Diagnostic	     |
	  |		 | to a DXE		    |			     |

	    Note: Call setup and call clearing packets and procedures are not
		  required for permanent virtual circuit Services.


	    X.PC Protocol Specification			  September 8, 1983

	    4.1.4 Maximum Packet Size


	    The  data packet  user  data field  may  contain  no more  than
	    256 octets.  The maximum  packet size,  including packet  over-
	    head, is  258 octets.  The maximum  number of data  packet user
	    data field octets can be negotiated (see Section 4.13).

	    4.1.5 Determining DTE/DXE Characteristics


	    In a DTE/DTE environment (i.e.,  no intervening packet switched
	    network), the restart procedure determines  which DTE acts as a
	    DCE with  respect to logical  channel selection  during virtual
	    call establishment and  the resolution  of virtual  call colli-

	    This procedure  is defined  in the  ISO X.25  DTE packet  layer
	    specification.  In  essence, the restart-cause  code determines
	    the appropriate  mode of  operation.  A  restart-cause code  of
	    zero in a  restart indication packet identifies  the originator
	    as a DTE.

	    A restart-cause  code other than  zero in a  restart indication
	    packet identifies  the originator as a  DCE.  Refer to  the ISO
	    X.25 DTE  packet layer  specification for  full details  on the
	    restart procedure.

	    SECTION 4.2 Flow Control Procedures


	    At the DTE/DXE interface of a logical channel, the transmission
	    of data packets is controlled separately for each direction and
	    is based on authorization from the receiver.

	    4.2.1 Numbering of Packets


	    With  the exception  of the  reset request/indication,  restart
	    request/indication, receive ready (RR), receive not ready (RNR)
	    and reject packets, all packets  transmitted across the DTE/DXE
	    interface in  each direction  are sequentially  numbered.  This
	    number is  called the  packet send  sequence number  P(S).  The
	    sequence numbers  are modulo 16.   The packet  sequence numbers
	    cycle through the range 0 - 15.

	    The  restart request,  restart indication,  reset request,  and
	    reset indication  packets reset both the  DTE and DXE  P(S) and
	    P(R) to zero.  Subsequent packets are numbered consecutively.


	    X.PC Protocol Specification			  September 8, 1983

	    4.2.2 Window Description


	    At the  DTE/DXE interface  of a  logical channel,  a window  is
	    defined as the modulo 16 ordered set of P(W) consecutive packet
	    send sequence numbers  P(S) of all packets  authorized to cross
	    the interface.

	    The P(S)  of the  first of the  P(W) packets  in the  window is
	    referred to as the lower window edge.  The upper window edge is
	    the P(S)  of the last of  the P(W) packets authorized  to cross
	    the interface.

	    The P(S) of the first packet not authorized to cross the inter-
	    face is  the value of the  lower window edge plus  P(W) (modulo
	    16).  The standard window size P(W)  is 8 for each direction of
	    packet transmission at the DTE/DXE interface.  The minimum win-
	    dow size P(W) is 4.

	    4.2.3 Data Packet Limit


	    The data packet limit is the number of data packets that may be
	    transmitted in a window.  The data  packet limit is one half of
	    P(W) for  each direction  of data  transmission at  the DTE/DXE
	    interface.  The standard default data packet limit is 4.

	    The DXE uses D(S) to count transmitted data packets and D(R) to
	    count received data packets.

	    4.2.4 Flow Control Principles


	    When the  send sequence number  P(S) of  the next packet  to be
	    transmitted by  a DXE other  than a  data packet is  within the
	    window, the DXE is authorized to transmit the packet.

	    When P(S) of the next data packet to be transmitted by a DXE is
	    within the  window and D(S)  is greater  than zero, the  DXE is
	    authorized to  transmit the data  packet.  On  transmitting the
	    data packet the DXE decrements its D(S).

	    When P(S)  of the packet  received by a  DXE other than  a data
	    packet is  next in sequence  and is  within P(W), the  DXE will
	    accept the packet.

	    When P(S)  of the  data packet  received by  a DXE  is next  in
	    sequence and the DXE's D(R) is  greater than zero, the DXE will
	    accept the packet and decrement its D(R).


	    X.PC Protocol Specification			  September 8, 1983

	    The  modulo 16  packet  receive  sequence number  P(R)  conveys
	    across the DTE/DXE interface information  from the receiver for
	    the  transmission  of  packets.  When  transmitted  across  the
	    DTE/DXE interface, a valid P(R)  (as defined below) becomes the
	    lower P(W) window edge.  In this way, additional packets may be
	    authorized by the receiver to cross the DTE/DXE interface.

	    The packet  receive sequence number  P(R) is conveyed  in data,
	    RR, RNR, and reject packets.

	    The value of a  received P(R) must be greater than  or equal to
	    the last P(R)  received and less than  or equal to the  P(S) of
	    the next packet to be transmitted  by that DXE.  Otherwise, the
	    DXE will  consider the receipt of  this P(R) a  procedure error
	    and will  reset the logical channel.   A DCE will  indicate the
	    cause  as 'Local  Procedure Error.'   A DTE  will indicate  the
	    cause as 'DTE Originated.'  In either case, the diagnostic will
	    be 'Invalid P(R).'

	    The P(R) returned in any of the above mentioned packets is less
	    than or  equal to  the P(S)  of the  next packet  expected.  It
	    implies that the DXE transmitting P(R) has accepted all packets
	    up to  and including  the packet  number P(R)-1.   If any  data
	    packets were acknowledged  by the transmitted P(R),  the number
	    of data packets acknowledged is added to D(R).

	    If the received P(R) acknowledges  any data packets, the number
	    of data packets acknowledged is added  to D(S).  As acknowledg-
	    ments for  data packets  are sent, the  number of  data packets
	    acknowledged is added to the DXE's D(R).

	    4.2.5 Receive Ready Packet


	    A DXE  uses receive ready (RR)  packets to indicate that  it is
	    ready to receive  P(W) packets within the  window starting with
	    P(R), where P(R) is indicated in the RR packet.

	    The transmission of  an RR packet with a  particular P(R) value
	    is not  to be taken as  a demand for retransmission  of packets
	    that have already been transmitted and are still in the window.

	    For further  information   see  Receive   Ready  Packet   (Sec-
	    tion 4.7.1).


	    X.PC Protocol Specification			  September 8, 1983

	    4.2.6 Receive Not Ready Packet


	    A DXE uses receive not ready (RNR) packets to indicate a tempo-
	    rary inability  to accept additional  data packets for  a given
	    virtual call.  A DXE receiving an RNR packet stops transmitting
	    data packets on the indicated  logical channel but updates P(W)
	    by the P(R) value of the RNR  packet if the P(R) is valid.  The
	    receive not ready situation indicated by the transmission of an
	    RNR packet is cleared by the transmission in the same direction
	    of a receive ready packet or by the initiation of a clear (vir-
	    tual calls only), reset, or restart procedure.

	    The transmission of  an RR packet after the  transmission of an
	    RNR packet is not to be taken as a demand for retransmission of
	    data packets that have already been transmitted.

	    The RNR packet may be used to  convey across the DTE/DXE inter-
	    face the P(R) value corresponding to a data packet that had the
	    D bit set to 1 if additional data packets cannot be accepted.

	    For further  information see  Receive  Not  Ready Packet  (Sec-
	    tion 4.7.2) and Receive Ready Packet (Section 4.7.1).

	    SECTION 4.3 Error Recovery Procedures


	    Lost or corrupted  packets are recovered by  the retransmission
	    of  packets based  on  packet  sequence numbers.   Packets  are
	    retransmitted whenever an out-of-sequence packet is detected or
	    a timer expires.

	    4.3.1 T15/T25 Timer and R15/R25 Counter


	    Timer T15 is used by a DCE and timer T25 by a DTE in recovering
	    from errors involving sequenced packets.   The default value is
	    4 seconds.

	    Timer  T25 is  started  when the  first  packet is  transmitted
	    across the DTE/DXE  interface.  If T25 is still  running at the
	    time of the transmission of succeeding packets, it implies that
	    previously transmitted packets are awaiting acknowledgment, and
	    no further action is taken.

	    When a P(R)  is received acknowledging some  of the outstanding
	    packets, T25 is restarted.  If  all the outstanding packets are
	    acknowledged, T25 is stopped.


	    X.PC Protocol Specification			  September 8, 1983

	    When T25 expires,  the DXE retransmits the  last unacknowledged
	    packet, as many as R15 times for a DCE and R25 times for a DTE.
	    The default value of R15/R25 is 4.  See Figures 3 and 4.

	    If the DCE R15 count is exceeded, the DCE will transmit a reset
	    indication.  If  the DTE  R25 count is  exceeded, the  DTE will
	    transmit a reset request.

	    DCE timer  T15 is  stopped when  a restart  request or  a reset
	    request is received.   DTE timer T25 is stopped  when a restart
	    indication or a reset indication is received.

			  DXE			  DXE
			  ---			  ---
			   |			   |
	    T25 started    | Data 1,2		   |
			   | Data 1,3		   |
			   | Data 1,4		   |
			   | Data 1,5		   |
			   |			   |
	    RR packet	   |		RR 6	   | Acknowledges packets
	    is lost	   |<----- X --------------| 2 through 5
			   |			   |
			   |			   |
	    T25 expires,   | Data 1,5		   |
	    last packet    |---------------------->|
	    is resent and  |			   |
	    T25 restarted  |			   | Duplicate packet is
			   |			   | discarded and reject
			   |	       REJ 6	   | is issued
	    T25 stopped    |<----------------------|
			   |			   |
	    T25 started,   | Data 1,6		   |
	    transmission   |---------------------->|
	    continues	   |			   |
			   |			   |
			   |			   |

		   Figure 3  Timer Recovery from Lost Acknowledgment


	    X.PC Protocol Specification			  September 8, 1983

			  DXE			  DXE
			  ---			  ---
			   |			   |
	    T25 started    | Data 1,2		   |
			   | Data 1,3		   |
			   | Data 1,4		   |
			   | Data 1,5		   |
			   |------------- X ------>|
			   |			   |
			   |		RR 5	   | Acknowledges packets
	    T25 restarted  |<----------------------| 2 through 4
			   |			   |
			   |			   |
	    T25 expires,   | Data 1,5		   |
	    last packet    |---------------------->|
	    is resent and  |			   |
	    T25 restarted  |			   |
			   |		RR 6	   | Acknowledges packet 5
	    T25 stopped    |<----------------------|
			   |			   |
			   |			   |

		Figure 4  Timer Recovery from Loss of Last Packet Sent
		__________in a Window with No More Packets to Send____

	    4.3.2 T17/T27 Timer and R17/R27 Counter


	    DCE timer T17  and DTE timer T27 are started  whenever a reject
	    packet is transmitted.   The T17/T27 timer is  stopped when the
	    first retransmitted packet is received.

	    The DXE retransmits a reject packet  no more than R17/R27 times
	    if no response is received.

	    DCE timer  T17 is  stopped when  a restart  request or  a reset
	    request is received.   DTE timer T27 is stopped  when a restart
	    indication or a reset indication packet is received.


	    X.PC Protocol Specification			  September 8, 1983

	    4.3.3 Other Timers and Counters


	    In addition to  the T15/T25 and T17/T27 timers  and the R15/R25
	    and R17/R27 counters,  other X.25 timers and  counters are used
	    as specified.  These are shown in Table 2.

					Table 2

			    DCE and DTE Timers and Counters

		     DCE Timers and Counters


		     Timer  Default Value  Counter  Default Value

		      T10    60 seconds
		      T11   180 seconds
		      T12    60 seconds
		      T13    60 seconds
		      T15     4 seconds     R15      4
		      T17     4 seconds     R17      4

		     DTE Timers and Counters


		     Timer  Default Value  Counter  Default Value

		      T20   180 seconds    R20	    1
		      T21   200 seconds
		      T22   180 seconds    R22	    1
		      T23   180 seconds    R23	    1
		      T24    60 seconds
		      T25     4 seconds    R25	    4
		      T26   180 seconds
		      T27     4 seconds    R27	    4

	    4.3.4 Out-of-Sequence Packet


	    A lost packet is indicated when a  P(S) is received that is not
	    consecutive (modulo 16) with the previous P(S).  See Figures 5,
	    6, and 7.  Where this happens the  DXE sends a reject packet to
	    request retransmission of the missing packet.

	    Restart request,  restart indication, reset request,  and reset
	    indication packets  have a  P(S) of  zero.  Reception  of these
	    packets out of sequence is not considered an error; these pack-
	    ets have the effect of resetting P(S) and P(R) to zero.


	    X.PC Protocol Specification			  September 8, 1983

			  DXE			  DXE
			  ---			  ---
			   |			   |
	    T25 started    | Data 1,2		   |
			   | Data 1,3		   |
			   | Data 1,4		   |
			   |------------ X ------->| Packet lost
			   | Data 1,5		   |
			   |---------------------->| Packet is out of
			   |			   | sequence, reject
			   |	       REJ 4	   | is issued for
	    T25 stopped    |<----------------------| missing packet 4
			   |			   |
			   |			   |
	    T25 started,   | Data 1,4		   |
	    retransmission |---------------------->|
	    starts with    | Data 1,5		   |
	    packet 4	   |---------------------->|
			   |			   |
			   |			   |

		    Figure 5  Recovery from Out-of-Sequence Packet


	    X.PC Protocol Specification			  September 8, 1983

			  DXE			  DXE
			  ---			  ---
			   |			   |
	    T25 started    | Data 1,2		   |
			   | Data 1,3		   |
			   | Data 1,4		   |
			   |------------ X ------->|
			   | Data 1,5		   |
			   |------------ X ------->|
			   |			   |
			   |		RR 4	   | Acknowledges packets
	    T25 restarted  |<----------------------| 2 through 3
			   |			   |
			   |			   |
	    T25 expires,   | Data 1,5		   |
	    last packet    |---------------------->|
	    is resent and  |			   | Packet is out of
	    T25 restarted  |			   | sequence, reject
			   |			   | is issued for
			   |	       REJ 4	   | packet 4
			   |			   |
	    T25 started,   | Data 1,4		   |
	    retransmission |---------------------->|
	    starts with    | Data 1,5		   |
	    packet 4	   |---------------------->|
			   |			   |

		   Figure 6  Recovery from More Than One Lost Packet


	    X.PC Protocol Specification			  September 8, 1983

			  DXE			  DXE
			  ---			  ---
			   |			   |
	    T25 started    | Data 1,2		   |
			   | Data 1,3		   |
			   | Data 1,4		   |
			   | Data 1,5		   |
			   |------------- X ------>|
			   |			   |
	    T25 restarted  |		RR 5	   | Acknowledges packets
			   |<----------------------| 2 through 4
			   |			   |
			   |			   |
	    Window rotates,| Data 1,6		   |
	    packet 6 sent  |---------------------->| Packet received
	    T25 restarted  |			   | out of sequence,
			   |	       REJ 5	   | and reject issued
	    T25 stopped    |<----------------------|
			   |			   |
	    T25 started,   | Data 1,5		   |
	    retransmission |---------------------->|
	    starts with    | Data 1,6		   |
	    packet 5	   |---------------------->|
			   |			   |
			   |			   |

		Figure 7  Timer Recovery from Loss of Last Packet Sent
		__________in a Window with More Packets to Send_______

	    4.3.5 Duplicate Packets


	    Duplicate  packets are  discarded and  the DXE  sends a  reject
	    packet to indicate the next P(S) expected.  See Figure 3.

	    SECTION 4.4 Packet Format Introduction


	    A packet always  includes the general format  identifier field,
	    the logical channel identifier field,  the packet sequence num-
	    ber(s), and the packet type identifier field.  Depending on the
	    particular packet type, other fields may also be defined.  (See
	    Section 4.1.3.)


	    X.PC Protocol Specification			  September 8, 1983

	    The possible extension of packet formats by the addition of new
	    fields  requires  further  study.	Any  such  field  would  be
	    included  only  as  an addition  that  follows  all  previously
	    defined fields and not as an insertion  between any of the pre-
	    viously defined fields.  It would be  transmitted to a DTE only
	    when the interfacing  DXE has been informed  that the receiving
	    DTE is able  to interpret this field  and act  upon it  or when
	    the  receiving  DTE  can ignore  the  field  without  adversely
	    affecting the operation  of the interfacing DXE.   It would not
	    contain any information pertaining to  a user facility to which
	    the DTE has not subscribed.

	    The bits of  an octet are numbered 8  to 1, where bit  1 is the
	    low order bit and is transmitted first.  Octets of a packet are
	    consecutively numbered from 1 and are transmitted in order.

	    4.4.1 General Format Identifier Field


	    The general  format identifier field  is a 4-bit,  binary coded
	    field that  indicates the  general format  of the  rest of  the
	    header.  The general format identifier  field comprises bits 8,
	    7, 6, and 5  of octet 1, where bit 5 is the  low order bit (see
	    Table 3).

	    Bit 8 of the general format identifier  is set to 0 to indicate
	    a data packet; it  is set to 1 for all  other packets.  Bits 7,
	    6, and 5 of the data packet  are used for the D bit, Q bit, and
	    M bit respectively (see Section 4.6.1).

	    Bits 7, 6, and 5 of all other packets are set to 1.

					Table 3

			       General Format Identifier

			|		      |    Octet 1    |
			|		      |     Bits      |
			|		      | 8   7	6   5 |
			|  Data packets       | 0   D	Q   M |
			|  All other packets  | 1   0	0   0 |


	    X.PC Protocol Specification			  September 8, 1983

	    4.4.2 Logical Channel Identifier Field


	    The logical channel identifier field appears in every packet in
	    bit positions 4, 3,  2, and 1 of octet 1.	The field is binary
	    coded, and bit 1 is the low order bit.

	    For each logical channel, this number has local significance at
	    the DTE/DCE interface.

	    In restart  and diagnostic packets all  bits in this  field are
	    set to 0's.

	    4.4.3 Packet Receive Sequence Number Field


	    The  packet receive  sequence  number  field appears  in  every
	    packet in bit positions  8, 7, 6, and 5 of  octet 2.  The field
	    is binary coded, and bit 5 is the low order bit.

	    In the restart request and  restart indication packets all bits
	    in this field are set to 0.

	    4.4.4 Packet Send Sequence Number Field


	    The packet send  sequence number field appears  in every packet
	    in bit  positions 4,  3, 2,  and 1  of octet  2.  The  field is
	    binary coded, and bit 1 is the low order bit.

	    In the  restart request, restart  indication, RR, RNR,  and REJ
	    packets all bits in this field are set to 0.

	    4.4.5 Packet Type Identifier Field


	    Packets with bit  8 of the general format identifier  set to 1,
	    i.e., all  packets other than  data packets, are  identified in
	    octet 3 as specified in Table 4.


	    X.PC Protocol Specification			  September 8, 1983

					Table 4

				Packet Type Identifier

	  |		      Packet Type		   |	 Octet 3     |

	  |						   |	  Bits	     |
	  | From DXE to DTE	    From DTE to DXE	   | 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 |
	  |	      Call Setup and Call Clearing	   |		     |

	  |						   |		     |
	  | Incoming call	    Call request	   | 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 |
	  | Call connected	    Call accepted	   | 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 |
	  | Clear indication	    Clear request	   | 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 |
	  | Clear confirmation	    Clear confirmation	   | 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 |
	  |						   |		     |
	  |		   DATA and Interrupt		   |		     |

	  |						   |	    (Note 2) |
	  | Data (Note 1)	    Data		   | X X X X X X X X |
	  | Interrupt		    Interrupt		   | 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 |
	  | Interrupt confirmation  Interrupt confirmation | 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 |
	  |						   |		     |
	  |		 Flow Control and Reset		   |		     |

	  |						   |		     |
	  | Receive ready	    Receive ready	   | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 |
	  | Receive not ready	    Receive not ready	   | 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 |
	  | Reject		    Reject		   | 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 |
	  | Reset indication	    Reset request	   | 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 |
	  | Reset confirmation	    Reset confirmation	   | 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 |
	  |						   |		     |
	  |			Restart			   |		     |

	  |						   |		     |
	  | Restart indication	    Restart request	   | 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 |
	  | Restart confirmation    Restart confirmation   | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 |
	  |						   |		     |
	  |		       Diagnostic		   |		     |

	  |						   |		     |
	  | Diagnostic		    Diagnostic		   | 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 |
	  | (Notes 3,4)		    (Note 4)		   |		     |
	  Note 1: Octet 3 of the data packet contains one octet of user data.
	  Note 2: An X  bit may be set  either to 0  or to 1, as  discussed in
		  subsequent sections.
	  Note 3: DCE to DTE, if implemented by the network.
	  Note 4: A DTE  may originate a diagnostic  packet only in  a DTE/DTE
		  environment and only if it  can be suppressed when connected
		  to a network.


	    X.PC Protocol Specification			  September 8, 1983

	    SECTION 4.5 Call Setup and Call Clearing Packet Formats

	    The packets described in  this section set up and  clear a vir-
	    tual call.

	    4.5.1 Call Request and Incoming Call Packets


	    Figure 8 illustrates  the format of  call request  and incoming
	    call packets.

	    In a DTE/DCE environment, call request  and incoming call pack-
	    ets are  separate packets because  of the  intervening network.
	    However, in a DTE/DTE environment, the call request packet sent
	    by one DTE is the same as  the incoming call packet received by
	    the other DTE.

	    The first three  octets consist of  the general  format identi-
	    fier,  the  logical  channel  identifier,  the  packet  receive
	    sequence  number, the  packet  send  sequence number,  and  the
	    packet  type  identifier  fields  (see  Sections 4.4.1  through


	    X.PC Protocol Specification			  September 8, 1983

			     8	 7   6	 5   4	 3   2	 1
		    Octet  .---.---.---.---.---.---.---.---.
			   |	 G F I	   |	 L C I	   |
		      1    |	(Note 1)   |		   |
			   |	P(R)	   |	P(S)	   |
		      2    |		   |		   |
			   |	Packet type identifier	   |
		      3    | 0	 0   0	 0   1	 0   1	 1 |
			   |  Calling DTE  :  Called DTE   |
		      4    | address length: address length|
			   |	    DTE address(es)	   |
			   //	       (Note 2)		  //
			   |		   :---:---:---:---|
			   |		   | 0	 0   0	 0 |
			   | 0	 0 |   Facility length	   |
			   |	   |			   |
			   |	      Facilities	   |
			   //	       (Note 3)		  //
			   |				   |
			   |	   Call user data	   |
			   //	   (Notes 4 and 5)	  //
			   |				   |

	    Note 1: Coded 1000
	    Note 2: The  figure  is  drawn assuming  the  total  number  of
		    address digits present is odd.
	    Note 3: The  maximum  length  of the  facilities  field  is  63
	    Note 4: Bits 8 and 7  of the first octet of call  user data may
		    have particular significance (see Section 4.5.1).
	    Note 5: The maximum  length of the call  user data field  is 16

		Figure 8  Call Request and Incoming Call Packet Format


	    X.PC Protocol Specification			  September 8, 1983

	    Address Lengths Field


	    Octet 4 consists of field length  indicators for the called and
	    calling DTE addresses.  Bits 4, 3, 2, and 1 indicate the length
	    of the  called DTE address  in quartets.  Bits  8, 7, 6,  and 5
	    indicate the  length of  the calling  DTE address  in quartets.
	    Each address length  indicator is binary coded, and bit  1 or 5
	    is the low order bit of the indicator.

	    Address Field


	    Octet 5 and subsequent octets consist of the called DTE address
	    when present, then the calling DTE address when present.

	    Each digit of an address is coded  in a quartet in binary coded
	    decimal, when bit 5 or 1 is the low order bit of the digit.

	    Starting from  the high  order digit, the  address is  coded in
	    octet 5 and consecutive octets, with  two digits per octet.  In
	    each octet, the  higher order digit is  coded in bits 8,  7, 6,
	    and 5.

	    The field will be rounded up to an integral number of octets by
	    inserting 0's in bits  4, 3, 2, and 1 of the  last octet of the

	    This field may be used  for optional addressing facilities such
	    as abbreviated addressing.  The  optional addressing facilities
	    employed and  the coding  of those  facilities require  further

	    Facility Length Field


	    Bits 6, 5,  4, 3, 2, and  1 of the octet  following the calling
	    DTE address field  (or calling DTE address field  length if the
	    calling DTE address  field length is zero)  indicate the length
	    of the facility fields, in octets.  The facility-length indica-
	    tor is binary  coded, where bit 1  is the low order  bit of the

	    Bits 8 and 7 of this octet are unassigned and are set to 0.


	    X.PC Protocol Specification			  September 8, 1983

	    Facility Field


	    The facility field is  present only if the DTE or  DXE is using
	    an optional user facility requiring some indication in the call
	    request packet or the incoming call packet.

	    The facility field contains an  integral number of octets.  The
	    maximum length of this field depends on the facilities that are
	    supported at the DTE/DXE interface.  However, this maximum can-
	    not exceed 63 octets.

	    For further information see Sections 4.12 and 4.13.

	    Call User Data Field


	    Following the facility  field, the call user data  field may be
	    present.  It  has a  maximum length of  16 octets.	 This field
	    must contain an integral number of octets (see Section 4.1.3).

	    If the call user  data field is present, the use  and format of
	    the field are determined by bits 8  and 7 of the first octet of
	    this field.  When  a virtual call is  being established between
	    two packet mode DTEs,  the network does not act on  any part of
	    the call user data field unless required  to do so by an appro-
	    priate  request for  an optional  user facility  on a  per-call
	    basis.  Such a facility requires further study.

	    If bits 8 and 7 of the first  octet of the call user data field
	    are 00, a portion of the call user  data field is used for pro-
	    tocol identification in accordance with other CCITT recommenda-
	    tions such as X.29.

	    If bits 8 and 7 of the first  octet of the call user data field
	    are 01, a portion  of the call user data field  may be used for
	    protocol identification  in accordance  with specifications  of
	    public network administrations.

	    If bits 8 and 7 of the first  octet of the call user data field
	    are 10, a portion  of the call user data field  may be used for
	    protocol identification  in accordance with  the specifications
	    of international user bodies.

	    If bits 8 and 7 of the first  octet of the call user data field
	    are 11, no constraints are placed  on the DTE regarding the use
	    of the remainder of the call user data field.


	    X.PC Protocol Specification			  September 8, 1983

	    If bits 8 and 7 of the first  octet of the call user data field
	    have any value other than 11, a protocol may be identified that
	    is implemented in public data networks.

	    4.5.2 Call Accepted and Call Connected Packets


	    Figure 9 illustrates the format of call  accepted and call con-
	    nected packets.

	    In  a DTE/DCE  environment, call  accepted  and call  connected
	    packets are separate  packets because  of the  intervening net-
	    work.  However,  in a  DTE/DTE environment,  the call  accepted
	    packet sent by one DTE is the same as the call connected packet
	    received by the other DTE.

	    The first three  octets consist of  the general  format identi-
	    fier,  the  logical  channel  identifier,  the  packet  receive
	    sequence  number, the  packet  send  sequence number,  and  the
	    packet  type  identifier  fields  (see  Sections 4.4.1  through

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