NANSIS.ASM doesn't work

Ed Nather nather at ut-sally.UUCP
Tue Aug 5 23:55:59 AEST 1986

My recent posting of the NANSIS.ASM console screen driver for the PC and
compatibles has two things wrong with it: 1) It has been garbled in
transmission and does not yield a working executable file, and 2) the
"fix" for snow on the Color Graphics Adapter (CGA) trashes multi-character
writes to the screen, the true strong point of nansi.sys.

As soon as I get a WORKING fix for snow I will re-post.

I apologize for any wasted time this posting may have caused.  I have learned.

Ed Nather
Astronomy Dept, U of Texas @ Austin
nather at astro.AS.UTEXAS.EDU

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