helpwith KERMIT

Frank Cooley fac at burdvax.UUCP
Wed Aug 6 03:39:42 AEST 1986

> Xref: burdvax net.micro.pc:8954 net.sources:4803 net.wanted.sources:2567 net.lang.c:9301 net.wanted:8550
> Is there anybody out there who can help me? I am working on a project with
> a pretty tight deadline, which involves using a PC to monitor equipment in
> a remote building, and having our UNIX system dial it up to retrieve the
> data. Right now the file dumps are straight ASCII, but since there have
> been a lot of errors on the line, and I want to split the data into 
> separate files (one for weather, one for power consumption, etc) I want
> to implement the KERMIT protocol-
>   Charles G. Waldman
>   Bell Communications Research
>   {ihnp4}!mruxe!cgw
There is a public domain kermit for the PC. I believe I pulled it off
of compuserv and it runs fine. If you can't get to compuserv or its
not there, send me a diskette and I'll put kermit on it and send it

Frank Cooley
p.o. box 517
Paoli,Pa. 19301

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