I need uuencode/uudecode too!!

brown at nicmad.UUCP brown at nicmad.UUCP
Sat Aug 30 13:26:33 AEST 1986

In article <3385 at brl-smoke.ARPA> cbsoth at BRL (Clif Sothoron) writes:
>I don't believe in line-eaters.

I don't either, but the new UUCP 'pckget' error is getting me.

>Could someone post or send me uudecode and uuencode? I have several
>down-loaded programs that require massaging in order to be useful.

If you are in need of a copy for your PC type MS-DOS machine, send
me e-mail and I will return, postage paid, a copy of the Turbo Pascal
and C source code.

		harvard-\     \
Mr. Video	   seismo!uwvax!nicmad!brown
		  topaz-/     /

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