Kermit For C64

Frank Geerling frankg at nikhefk.uucp
Sun Aug 24 03:56:48 AEST 1986

In article <415 at ektools.UUCP> tom at ektools.UUCP (Thomas A. Bond) writes:
>          I'm looking for a binary copy of Kermit for the C64. Also would like
>any manuals that are also available. Thanking you in advance for your help.
>A new network news user.

If somebody out there have such a Kermit with the sources I would be
interested too to get them. Could you mail them to me.

		Thanks in advance.

			   Frank Geerling
			(frankg at nikhefk.uucp)

Usenet:		{seismo, philabs, decvax}!mcvax!frankg at nikhefk

Normal mail:	Frank Geerling
		Postbus 4395
		1009 AJ Amsterdam
		The Netherlands

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