b94 at psuvm.bitnet.UUCP b94 at psuvm.bitnet.UUCP
Sun Aug 10 01:53:19 AEST 1986

Dear Netland,
      I've been having problems getting my copy of UUENCODE & UUDECODE to
   compile.  I'm using an IBM-RT running AIX (SYS V compatable).  We're soon
   going to install 4.2bsd onto the RT as well, keeping each op. system on
   tape.  I issued the command :
                                     cc -o uuencode uuencode.c
   and it gave me errors in a few places.  The same (not same errors) happens
   for UUDECODE.  What I need to know is :
       1)  has anyone compiled UUENCODE/UUDECODE under SYS V and if so, what
         compile command did they use?
       2)  is there something obviously wrong with how i'm compiling these
   Any help given would be vastly appreciated.  By the way, I'm still looking
   for sources to urogue & PART 10 to the sources to HACK 1.0.2.  thanks!
Michael Bitonti                        b94 at psuvm.BITNET       :bitnet
                     ...!ihnp4!psuvax1!psuvm.BITNET!b94       :uucp
            Computer Science  -  Penn. State University
 "I met someone who looks a lot like you,
  she does the things you do...
  but she is an IBM."             J. Lynne  &  Electric Light Orchestra

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