Movie BYU

Hurf Sheldon hurf at batcomputer.TN.CORNELL.EDU
Wed Aug 13 23:54:01 AEST 1986

In article <756 at Shasta.STANFORD.EDU> farhad at Shasta.UUCP (Farhad Pezeshgi) writes:
>I am a new user so bear with me.
>I would like to find some info about Movie BYU. I would appriciate any info
>that you might have about its performance and also how one can get a copy of
>	Thank You.
>			Farhad.(Please send it to me personally).

  Please post answers to this question - Plasma's Director saw the results
of this program in Japan & would like us to explore it a little - he
was very impressed

     Hurf Sheldon			Arpa.css: Hurf at
     Lab of Plasma Studies	
     369 Upson Hall			phone: 607 255 7267
     Cornell University
     Ithaca, N.Y. 14853

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