Thanks for the memories (and uude(en)code sources)!

Matt Verner verner at inuxh.UUCP
Sat Aug 30 03:43:51 AEST 1986

Sorry to post this but our mailer does not recognize a whole slew of the
paths that came through...

Thanks to everyone who sent me copies (and copies, and copies, and...)
of uuencode and uudecode.  I recieved UNIX versions, Microsoft C versions,
Turbo Pascal versions (and I dont have Turbo Pascal, sigh), now if
someone would only send a version for my ancient Ohio Scientific OS-1
Superboard computer :-).   

 Matt Verner   				UUCP:  ...ihnp4!inuxc!verner
 AT&T Consumer Products Laboratories 	AT&T:  (317) 845-3631
 P. O. Box 1008
 Indianapolis, IN  46206

           "The whole point of this sentence is to clearly
             explain the point this sentence is making."

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