Request for Fido tele-numbers

Edward Vielmetti emv at umix.UUCP
Fri Aug 15 10:39:19 AEST 1986

Try Fido 132/101 in Nashua, NH (1-603-888-8179).  Sysop is
Bob Hartman.  The name is "NH-Net" or "Un*x Gateway".  Haven't
ever tried it myself, so I don't know if this one has echomail
or even if it's any good, tho the name sounds promising.

Edward Vielmetti, Computing Center Microgroup, University of Michigan
Work:  emv%UMich-MTS.Mailnet at MIT-Multics.ARPA
News:  emv at umix.uucp  <or> ihnp4!umich!umix!emv
Play: ihnp4!itivax!m-net!emv (Mike Myers' m-net, public access Unix,
       			              (313) 994-6333)
Fidonet: Meg Geddes' netMeg I, 120/25, 313-994-3865

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