Sources for PC-Shell

Pat Alvarado alvarado at fritz.UUCP
Fri Aug 29 01:23:57 AEST 1986

In article <804 at Shasta.STANFORD.EDU> boesch at Shasta.UUCP (Brian Boesch) writes:
>A while back, a unix like shell was posted to the net called PCSHELL
>the shell supported Unix like commands for the pc and included 
>more,frep,history ...
>Does anyone still have the sources for these that could mail them to
>Thanks in advance
>   Brian Boesch   Boesch at su-shasta.EDU (arpanet)

I'd like to insert my request also.



   UUCP					U.S. MAIL
   ---					---
   Pat Alvarado				FileNet Corp.
   FileNet Corp.			6167 Bristol Parkway, Ste 420
   Costa Mesa, Calif.			Culver City, Ca. 90230

"I'd feel safer giving him one of my kidneys,                                                                   than what's scrambled in my brain."

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