Posters to net.sources, PLEASE say what your programs do

Brad Templeton bstempleton at watmath.UUCP
Sun Aug 3 07:47:11 AEST 1986

How can I communicate this message to posters in net.sources:

	When you post to net.sources, please include a one-page
	description of the program as the first thing in the file.

It seems that well over half the postings in net.sources are like this:

Subject: foo - part 1

# Here is foo - enjoy!
cat <<FOO >foo.c
 * foo

main(argc,argv) ..........

Or they start with the makefile, or a header, or at best troff source
for the man page.  I hate having to read through the whole article
at 1200 baud to see what it is about.

So, at the start of a net.sources article, please always place a page that

	1) What the program does
	2) Who it is for
	3) What machines & systems it should run under

And try and get as much as possible in the subject line.
Brad Templeton, Looking Glass Software, Waterloo, Ont. (519) 884-7473

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