PD make: 2 bugs with 1 fix!

martin martin at minster.UUCP
Thu Aug 21 23:11:11 AEST 1986

I have found two problems in the version of make which was posted to
net.sources recently. These problems are also present in the port of this
program to the Atari ST, and the same fix can be used.
(I originally found this problem on the Atari)

The first problem is that the first rule in the makefile is taken to be the
default target to be built. However the definitions of default rules
are not distinguished, so that the wrong default target is seen.
An example makefile:
	.SUFFIXES: .b .a
		cp $*.a $*.b
	fred.b:	fred.a

When make is run, the following is output:
	make: Don't know how to make .c

Real make happily makes fred.b, by copying fred.a.
(I don't know where the `.c' comes from, perhaps a built in default rule?)

This can be fixed by changing the function `input' in the file `input.c'
		while ((p = gettok(&q)) != (char *)0)	/* Get list of targ's */
			np = newname(p);		/*  Intern name  */
			newline(np, dp, cp);
			if (!firstname)
				    firstname = np;

		while ((p = gettok(&q)) != (char *)0)	/* Get list of targ's */
			np = newname(p);		/*  Intern name  */
			newline(np, dp, cp);
			if (!firstname)
				if(!Is_special(p) && p[0] != '.')
				    firstname = np;
Note that only one line is changed, but I gave more for context since
I can't easily find the line numbers.  This is a rather kludgy fix, but I am
informed that the `real' make dosn't do anything more, and a quick
experiment appears to support this!

In writing this article I also found another problem, but as yet have no fix.
I tried the makefile:
		echo making $*.o
		cc $(CFLAGS) -c $*.c
	fred.o: fred.c

and got the error message:
	make: Commands defined twice for target .c.o on line 5

Real `make' allows the redefinition of `.c.o' to remove the previous one.
(This still dosn't work, even if a null `.SUFFIXES:' rule is added)

Apart from these difficulties I am very pleased with this make,
and would like to take this opportunity to thank both the original
poster, Neil Russell, and Jwahar Bammi, who ported it to the Atari.

	Martin C. Atkins
usenet: mcvax!ukc!minster!martin

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