Question on Untamo logout deamon.

kimery at wdl1.UUCP kimery at wdl1.UUCP
Tue Aug 12 04:17:20 AEST 1986

/ wdl1:net.sources / rs at mirror.UUCP /  8:19 am  Aug 10, 1986 /

}	Untamo, as distributed in mod.sources, will not
}	compile anywhere except Purdue.
}	Sorry about that -- I let it get out in my early
}	days as moderator, when I was young and foolish.
}		/rich $alz

Strange, it works here.  I suppose that I could package up the modified
sources and send them to you Rich for a repost to mod.sources.

I do know that some of the functions do NOT work here, but the idle timeout
and multiple login suppression does (boy did it piss off users at first!)

			Sam Kimery
			kimery at

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