Packet sizing

zeeff%b-tech.uucp%umich.csnet at CSNET-RELAY.ARPA zeeff%b-tech.uucp%umich.csnet at CSNET-RELAY.ARPA
Fri Aug 29 18:27:24 AEST 1986

Newsgroups: net.sources.d

Regarding packet sizes over unknown links, I think the best solution is
to use adaptive packet sizing.  Packets can start out small and rapidly
grow larger as the link is determined to be error free.  If an error then
occurs, the packet sizes can be reduced again.  Another benefit occurs if
compression is being done.  If you start off with large packets, there
might be delay while the first packet is being compressed.  By starting
small, something is started quickly and further compression is done as
the first packet goes out.

- Jon Zeeff	ihnp4!umich!b-tech!zeeff
		Jon_Zeeff at UMich-MTS.MAILNET

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