
David Albrecht dca at edison.UUCP
Wed Aug 6 06:38:33 AEST 1986

The following is a somewhat altered shortc.  As I have a cc which
uses short names and a cpp which doesn't support flexnames I am
faced with altering the original source of some programs to get
them to pass through my CC.  The original shortc was very useful
in this regard but I was unhappy with its algorithm of prepending
characters to the names to make them unique.

I therefore altered shortc to instead use something in my opinion
more swave and deboner i.e. recapitalization
to eliminate collisions.  I also altered it to have an option (-c)
which will emit a C program which will filter the names to their
unique counterparts.  The C program is very rudimentary but is
in the form of a template which can be easily extended (if
you make a more sophisticated version of the template please
send me a copy).

Finally, I realised that it used a last truncation
wins algorithm which makes it impossible guarantee that a symbol
will not be truncated by ordering the files or by including a
special file at the front which is a list of symbols you want
unaltered.  I 'fixed' it (commented out some code) so that
first truncation wins.  If you saw the original posting I 
am resubmitting this because I only realised that last truncation
wins after I sent it out.


David Albrecht

----------- cut here -------------
echo 'Start of /usr/spool/uucppublic/shortc, part 01 of 01:'
echo 'x - shortc.c'
sed 's/^X//' > shortc.c << '/'
Xchar ID[] = "@(#) shortc";
Xchar Usage[] = "usage: shortc [-symlen] [-cp] file ... > Short.h\n";
X   Produce a set of preprocessor defines which guarantee that all identifiers
X   in the files are unique in the first symlen (default 7) characters.
X   Include the output into each file (or into a common header file).
X   Since the symbols being redefined are ambiguous within symlen chars
X   (that was the problem in the first place), the files must be compiled
X   using a flexnames version of cpp.
X   Lacking that, turn the output into a sed script and massage the source
X   files.  In this case, you may need to specify -p to parse preprocessor
X   lines, but watch for things like include-file names.
X   Alternatively, you can specify -c as an option and instead of a list
X   of defines the C source for a program to filter the names will be
X   emitted.
X   If using cpp, preprocessor symbols should be weeded out by hand; otherwise
X   they will cause (innocuous) redefinition messages.
X   To lock in names that you want unchanged (if possible) list the files
X   containing them first on the processing list.  If symbols and the
X   interfering names are in the same file then dummy up a file which
X   is nought but a list of names and include it first.
X */
X#include <ctype.h>
X#include <stdio.h>
X#define SYMLEN  7           /* symbols must be unique within ... chars */
X#define MAXLEN  128         /* need a limit for tokenizing */
X#define HASHSIZ 2048        /* power of 2; not an upper limit */
X#define TRUE 1
X#define FALSE 0
X#define MAXSTRING 160
Xtypedef struct Symbol symbol;
Xstruct Symbol {
X	symbol  *link;          /* hash chain */
X	union {
X	    long chcase_mask;  /* re-capitalize for mapped name if flag > SEEN */
X	    symbol *xtrunc;    /* symbol which truncates to this one
X				  if flag == TRUNC */
X	} x;
X	char    flag;
X	char    inname[1];
X#define chcase  x.chcase_mask
X#define trunc   x.xtrunc
X#define NOTSEEN 0           /* symbol never seen */
X#define TRUNC   1           /* trunc points to symbol which truncates to
X			       this one */
X#define SEEN    2           /* there is no conflict with this symbol */
X#define MULT    3	    /* re-capitalize to resolve conflict */
Xsymbol  *symtab[HASHSIZ];
Xstruct subsnames {
X    char *from_name;
X    char *to_name;
X    struct subsnames *next;
X    } *subsname_list = NULL;
Xint c_prog = FALSE;
Xint     symlen  = SYMLEN;
Xchar    parsepp;            /* if set, parse preprocessor lines */
Xsymbol  *lookup();
Xchar    *token(), *truncname();
Xchar    *myalloc();
Xextern  char *strcpy(), *strncpy();
Xextern  char *malloc();
Xmain (argc, argv) register char **argv; register argc; /*: entry point */
X	while( --argc > 0 )
X	    doarg(*++argv);
X	dump();
X	exit(0);
Xdoarg (arg) char *arg; /*: process one file or flag arg */
X	register char *s;
X	register symbol *y;
X	if( *arg == '-' )
X	{   arg++;
X	    if( isdigit(*arg) )
X		symlen = atoi(arg);
X	    else if( *arg == 'p' )
X		parsepp = 1;
X	    else if( *arg == 'c' )
X		c_prog = TRUE;
X	    else fputs(Usage, stderr);
X	    return;
X	}
X	if( freopen(arg, "r", stdin) == NULL )
X	{   perror(arg);
X	    return;
X	}
X	while( s = token() )
X	    if( (y = lookup(s))->flag < SEEN )
X		newname(y);
Xnewname (y) register symbol *y; /*: pick a new non-colliding name */
X	register symbol *a;
X	/* repeat until no collision */
X	for( ;; )
X	{   /* pick another name */
X	    nextname(y);
X	    /* check its truncation for conflicts */
X	    a = lookup(truncname(y));
X	    if( a->flag == NOTSEEN )
X		break;
X	    /* if this is an original symbol and it collides with another
X	     * (maybe modified) symbol, fix the other one instead of this one
X		DCA - eliminated this because it makes it so that last
X                truncation wins.  To lock in names unmodified it would be
X                preferable that the first one wins so that we can
X                include a file at the front which locks in the symbols
X                we want unchanged.
X	    if( a->flag == TRUNC && y->flag == SEEN )
X	    {   newname(a->trunc);
X		break;
X	    }
X	    */
X	    /* if already a short name, ok */
X	    if( a == y )
X		return;
X	}
X	/* flag what this truncates to */
X	a->trunc = y;
X	a->flag = TRUNC;
Xnextname (y) register symbol *y; /*: find next possible name for this symbol */
X	register char *s, *p;
X	register n;
X	switch( y->flag )
X	{   case TRUNC:
X		/* if another symbol truncates to this one, fix it not to */
X		newname(y->trunc);
X	    case NOTSEEN:
X		/* this symbol's name is available, so use it */
X		y->flag = SEEN;
X		y->chcase = 0;
X		return;
X	}
X	y->flag = MULT;
X	y->chcase++;
Xchar *truncname (y) register symbol *y; /*: return symbol name truncated to symlen chars */
X	static char buf[MAXLEN+10];
X	register long chcase_mask = y->chcase;
X	register i;
X	register char *str = y->inname, *str1 = buf, c;
X        for(i = 0; i < symlen; i++) {
X	    if (chcase_mask & 01) {
X		c = *(str++);
X		if (isupper(c)) c = tolower(c);
X		else c = toupper(c);
X		*(str1++) = c;
X 	    }
X	    else {
X		*(str1++) = *(str++);
X	    }
X	    chcase_mask >>= 1;
X	}
X	return buf;
Xsymbol *lookup(s) char *s; /*: find name in symbol table */
X	register h;
X	{   register char *p;
X	    register c;
X	    for( h = 0, p = s; (c = *p++); )
X		h += h + c;
X	}
X	{   register symbol *y, **yy;
X	    for( y = *(yy = &symtab[h & HASHSIZ-1]);; y = y->link )
X	    {   if( !y )
X		{   y = (symbol *)myalloc(sizeof *y + strlen(s));
X		    strcpy(y->inname, s);
X		    y->flag = NOTSEEN;
X		    y->link = *yy;
X		    *yy = y;
X		    break;
X		}
X		if( strcmp(y->inname, s) == 0 )
X		    break;
X	    }
X	    return y;
X	}
Xdump () /*: output all mappings */
X	register symbol *y;
X	register n,i;
X	register char c, *str;
X	struct subsnames *new_name, *curr_name, *prev_name;
X	FILE *template_file;
X	char in_string[MAXSTRING];
X    if (!c_prog) {
X	for( n = HASHSIZ; --n >= 0; ) {
X	    for( y = symtab[n]; y; y = y->link ) {
X		if( y->flag == MULT ) {
X		    str = y->inname;
X		    i = y->chcase;
X		    printf("#define %s ", y->inname);
X		    while (c = *(str++)) {
X			if (i & 01) {
X			    if (isupper(c)) c = tolower(c);
X			    else c = toupper(c);
X			    putchar(c);
X			}
X			else {
X			    putchar(c);
X			}
X			i >>= 1;
X		    }
X		    putchar('\n');
X		}
X	    }
X	}
X    }
X    else {
X	for( n = HASHSIZ; --n >= 0; ) {
X	    for( y = symtab[n]; y; y = y->link ) {
X		if( y->flag == MULT ) {
X		    i = y->chcase;
X		    new_name = (struct subsnames *) malloc(sizeof(*new_name));
X		    new_name->from_name =(char *) malloc(strlen(y->inname) + 1);
X		    new_name->to_name = (char *) malloc(strlen(y->inname) + 1);
X		    strcpy(new_name->from_name, y->inname);
X		    strcpy(new_name->to_name, y->inname); 
X		    str = new_name->to_name;
X		    while (c = *(str++)) {
X			if (i & 01) {
X			    if (isupper(c)) c = tolower(c);
X			    else c = toupper(c);
X			    *(str - 1) = c;
X			}
X			i >>= 1;
X		    }
X		    prev_name = NULL;
X		    curr_name = subsname_list;
X		    str = new_name->from_name;
X		    while (curr_name && strcmp(curr_name->from_name,str) < 0) {
X			prev_name = curr_name;
X			curr_name = prev_name->next;
X		    }
X		    if (!prev_name) {
X			new_name->next = subsname_list;
X			subsname_list = new_name;
X		    }
X		    else {
X			new_name->next = prev_name->next;
X			prev_name->next = new_name;
X		    }
X		}
X	    }
X	}
X	template_file = fopen("/usr/src/local/shortc/template.c","r");
X	if (!template_file) {
X	    fprintf(stderr, "unable to open template file\n");
X	    exit(1);
X	}
X	i = TRUE;
X	n = -1;
X	while (fgets(in_string, MAXSTRING - 1, template_file)) {
X	    if (!i && !strncmp(in_string,"/*E*/",5)) i = TRUE;
X	    if (i) fputs(in_string, stdout);
X	    if (!strncmp(in_string,"/*1*/",5)) {
X		curr_name = subsname_list;
X		while (curr_name) {
X		    n++;
X		    if (curr_name->next) {
X			printf("	\"%s\",\n", curr_name->from_name);
X		    }
X		    else {
X			printf("	\"%s\"\n", curr_name->from_name);
X		    }
X		    curr_name = curr_name->next;
X		}
X		i = FALSE;
X	    }
X	    else if (!strncmp(in_string,"/*2*/",5)) {
X		curr_name = subsname_list;
X		while (curr_name) {
X		    if (curr_name->next) {
X			printf("	\"%s\",\n", curr_name->to_name);
X		    }
X		    else {
X			printf("	\"%s\"\n", curr_name->to_name);
X		    }
X		    curr_name = curr_name->next;
X		}
X		i = FALSE;
X	    }
X	    else if (!strncmp(in_string,"/*3*/",5)) {
X		printf("	%d\n", n);
X		i = FALSE;
X	    }
X	}
X	close(template_file);
X    }
Xchar *token () /*: return next interesting identifier */
X	register c, state = 0;
X	register char *p;
X	static char buf[MAXLEN+1];
X	for( p = buf; (c = getchar()) != EOF; )
X	{   if( state )
X	    switch( state )
X	    {   case '/':
X		    if( c != '*' )
X		    {   state = 0;
X			break;
X		    }
X		    state = c;
X		    continue;
X		case 'S':
X		    if( c == '/' )
X			state = 0;
X		    else
X			state = '*';
X		case '*':
X		    if( c == state )
X			state = 'S';
X		    continue;
X		default:
X		    if( c == '\\' )
X			(void) getchar();
X		    else if( c == state )
X			state = 0;
X		    continue;
X	    }
X	    if( isalnum(c) || c == '_' )
X	    {   if( p < &buf[sizeof buf - 1] )
X		    *p++ = c;
X		continue;
X	    }
X	    if( p > buf )
X	    {   if( p-buf >= symlen && !isdigit(*buf) )
X		{   *p = '\0';
X		    ungetc(c, stdin);
X		    return buf;
X		}
X		p = buf;
X	    }
X	    if( c == '"' || c == '\'' || c == '/' )
X		state = c;
X	    else if( c == '#' && !parsepp )
X		state = '\n';
X	}
X	return NULL;
Xchar *myalloc(n) /*: malloc with error detection */
X	register char *p;
X	if( !(p = malloc((unsigned)n)) )
X	{   fprintf(stderr, "Out of space\n");
X	    exit(1);
X	}
X	return p;
echo 'x - template.c'
sed 's/^X//' > template.c << '/'
X#define MAXSTRING 160
X#include <stdio.h>
X#include <ctype.h>
Xchar *from_words[]={
X	"CleartoEOLN",
X	"_cleartoeoln",
X	"_transmit_on",
X	"address1",
X	"addressII",
X	"alternate_prompt",
X	"alternative_addresses",
X	"current_length",
X	"current_record",
X	"current_time",
X	"default_editor",
X	"default_weedlist",
X	"define_softkeys",
X	"display_central_message",
X	"display_error",
X	"display_headers",
X	"display_title",
X	"expand_env",
X	"expand_filename",
X	"expand_group",
X	"expand_site",
X	"expand_system",
X	"expanded",
X	"expanded_to",
X	"filename",
X	"forwarded",
X	"get_return",
X	"header_page",
X	"header_rec",
X	"header_table",
X	"last_line",
X	"machine_group",
X	"mailbox_defined",
X	"message_count",
X	"message_number",
X	"newaliases",
X	"optimize_and_add",
X	"optimize_arpa",
X	"optimize_cmplx_arpa",
X	"optimize_return",
X	"optionally_enter",
X	"original_cc",
X	"original_msg_num",
X	"parse_arpa_date",
X	"parse_arpa_from",
X	"pattern_enter",
X	"pattern_match",
X	"read_alias_files",
X	"remove_domains",
X	"remove_header",
X	"reply_to",
X	"resolve_received",
X	"ret_addr",
X	"return_value",
X	"return_value_of",
X	"sendmail",
X	"show_menu",
X	"show_msg_status",
X	"softkeys_off",
X	"subject_matches",
X	"subjectbuffer",
X	"system_call",
X	"system_data",
X	"system_data_file",
X	"system_files",
X	"system_hash_file",
X	"system_hash_table",
X	"system_record",
X	"tail_of_string",
X	"talk_to_sys",
X	"temp_file",
X	"timebuff",
X	"timebuffer",
X	"top_of_screen_left",
X	"unexpanded_to"
Xchar *to_words[]={
X	"cleartoEOLN",
X	"_Cleartoeoln",
X	"_Transmit_on",
X	"Address1",
X	"aDdressII",
X	"Alternate_prompt",
X	"aLternative_addresses",
X	"CUrrent_length",
X	"cUrrent_record",
X	"Current_time",
X	"Default_editor",
X	"dEfault_weedlist",
X	"Define_softkeys",
X	"DIsplay_central_message",
X	"Display_error",
X	"dIsplay_headers",
X	"diSplay_title",
X	"ExPand_env",
X	"exPand_filename",
X	"eXpand_group",
X	"EXpand_site",
X	"Expand_system",
X	"Expanded",
X	"eXpanded_to",
X	"Filename",
X	"Forwarded",
X	"Get_return",
X	"HEader_page",
X	"Header_rec",
X	"hEader_table",
X	"Last_line",
X	"Machine_group",
X	"Mailbox_defined",
X	"Message_count",
X	"mEssage_number",
X	"Newaliases",
X	"oPtimize_and_add",
X	"opTimize_arpa",
X	"OPtimize_cmplx_arpa",
X	"Optimize_return",
X	"Optionally_enter",
X	"oRiginal_cc",
X	"Original_msg_num",
X	"pArse_arpa_date",
X	"Parse_arpa_from",
X	"Pattern_enter",
X	"pAttern_match",
X	"Read_alias_files",
X	"Remove_domains",
X	"rEmove_header",
X	"Reply_to",
X	"Resolve_received",
X	"Ret_addr",
X	"rEturn_value",
X	"Return_value_of",
X	"Sendmail",
X	"Show_menu",
X	"Show_msg_status",
X	"Softkeys_off",
X	"sUbject_matches",
X	"Subjectbuffer",
X	"sYStem_call",
X	"SYstem_data",
X	"syStem_data_file",
X	"SyStem_files",
X	"System_hash_file",
X	"sYstem_hash_table",
X	"SYStem_record",
X	"Tail_of_string",
X	"Talk_to_sys",
X	"Temp_file",
X	"Timebuff",
X	"tImebuffer",
X	"Top_of_screen_left",
X	"Unexpanded_to"
Xint argc;
Xchar **argv;
X{   char word[MAXSTRING], *wnext_ch = word;
X    int c;
X    while ((c = getchar()) != EOF) {
X	if (isalpha(c) || (wnext_ch != word && isdigit(c)) || c == '_') {
X	    *(wnext_ch++) = c;
X	}
X	else {
X	    if (wnext_ch != word) {
X		*wnext_ch = '\0';
X		output_word(word);
X		wnext_ch = word;
X	    }
X	    putchar(c);
X	}
X    }
X    if (wnext_ch != word) {
X	*wnext_ch = '\0';
X	output_word(word);
X	wnext_ch = word;
X    }
Xchar *word;
X{   register int low_word, high_word, cmp_result, word_num;
X    low_word = 0;
X    high_word =
X    while (high_word >= low_word) {
X	word_num = (high_word + low_word) >> 1;
X	if (!(cmp_result = strcmp(word, from_words[word_num]))) {
X	    fputs(to_words[word_num], stdout);
X	    return;
X	}
X	else if (cmp_result < 0) {
X	    high_word = word_num - 1;
X	}
X	else {
X	    low_word = word_num + 1;
X	}
X    }
X    fputs(word, stdout);
echo 'Part 01 of /usr/spool/uucppublic/shortc complete.'

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