
yip at megatest.UUCP yip at megatest.UUCP
Thu Aug 7 09:20:16 AEST 1986

I need a copy of the "track" program as described in "When Network File 
Systems Aren't Enough : Automatic Software Distribution Revisited" given 
at Atlantic USENIX in June. 

The author is Daniel Nachbar of Bell Communications Research at Morristown 
but for some reason I cannot get to him through the net.

He mentioned in USENIX that "track" will be distributed free of charge.  

Does anyone have it?  Or Does anyone know how to get in touch with Mr. 

Thank you.


Michael E. Yip,
Megatest Corporation,
880 Fox Lane
San Jose, CA., 95131.

{sun, amd, fortune, glacier, dlb}!megatest!yip

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