soundex algorithm wanted

Jeff Marraccini jeffm at chinet.UUCP
Tue Aug 26 10:00:54 AEST 1986


I have a routine written in BASIC on the Apple many moons ago that uses
Soundex coding. I'll see if I can find it and mail it to you.

A good source is your city library. There are often sample routines in
articles pertaining to soundex. I found one in "Soundex Explained" which
was an abstract by Joe A. Donovan. If I can find that too I'll mail it.

Jeff Marraccini		...ihnp4!{chinet!jeffm, mb2c!edsdrd!ahxenix!jeff}
5582 Dvorak St.
Clarkston, MI 48016
313/623-7115 voice	313/623-6309 modem

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