a useful alias

Glenn McIntosh mcintosh at moncskermit.oz
Sat Aug 16 12:24:03 AEST 1986

In article <1004 at mit-trillian.MIT.EDU>, rlk at mit-trillian.MIT.EDU (Robert L Krawitz) writes:
> alias	ncd 'set d=`echo \!^* | sed "s/./\/&*/g"`; set d = `dirp $d`; cd $d || echo $d'
> [and includes C program "dirp"]

Another method to cause the alias to select only directories and not other
files is to add a "/" character in the appropriate place in the alias (I've
only tried this on a BSD system) i.e.,

alias c 'set d=`echo \!^* | sed "s/./\/&*/g"`/; cd $d || echo $d'

Glenn McIntosh
UUCP	: {pesnta,decvax}!mulga!moncsbruce.oz!mcintosh
	: {seismo,hplabs,mcvax,ukc,nttlab}!munnari!moncsbruce.oz!mcintosh
ARPA	: munnari!moncsbruce.oz!mcintosh at seismo.arpa
CSNET	: mcintosh at moncsbruce.oz
Computer Science Dept., Monash University, Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

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