B-tree code in C

Tim Maroney tim at hoptoad.uucp
Thu Aug 21 16:03:41 AEST 1986

This may be fine as a spare-time programming exercise, but as one who has
hacked on the same original code I feel safe in saying that it is totally
worthless for any application.  The translation from in-memory chained data
structures to relative in-file data structures invalidates all the code.  It
took me literally months of full-time work to arrive at an actual database
file manager with reasonable performance and functionality.  This took so
much time that my employer has quite reasonably insisted that the resulting
code, which is totally dissimilar to the original which I abandoned during
the first week of work, that it remain proprietary - sorry, guys.  In case
you would like an estimate, after much trimming I got it down to 22K of
machine code on the 68000.
Tim Maroney, Electronic Village Idiot
{ihnp4,sun,well,ptsfa,lll-crg,frog}!hoptoad!tim (uucp)
hoptoad!tim at lll-crg (arpa)

I buy Playboy, but only to look at the pictures.

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