checkmail (a cute little mailchecking utility)

Thomas Krueger shop at uwmcsd1.UUCP
Fri Aug 15 22:51:13 AEST 1986

> To start up the system, you will have to create the .m file in your home
> directory; the easiest way is probably "cat > .m" followed by an end of
> file.
> -- 
> Tim Maroney, Electronic Village Idiot
> {ihnp4,sun,well,ptsfa,lll-crg,frog}!hoptoad!tim (uucp)
> hoptoad!tim at lll-crg (arpa)
> Give me food, or give me slack (or kill me).

Another coupla ways is to cp /dev/null .m , or on Berkeley systems, touch
will create the zero length file to begin with.

						- Tom
Thomas Krueger				...ihnp4!uwmcsd1!shop	or
University of Wisconsin Milwaukee	uwmcsd1!shop at rsch.wisc.EDU
Computing Services Electronics Shop
3200 N. Cramer St.			(414) 963-5172
Milwaukee Wi 53211

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