Dave Taylor taylor at hplabsc.UUCP
Tue Dec 2 11:59:29 AEST 1986

Another program that is part of the latest distribution of the Elm
Mail System has a similar functionality - filter - and will be included
in the upcoming release of the latest version in mod.sources (probably
some time in January).

To tantalize you all (evil laugh) I've attached the Filter Users Guide

							-- Dave Taylor
							taylor at hplabs.HP.COM

-- attachment: Filter Users Guide

			Elm Filter Guide

		What the filter program is, what it does,
			and how to use it

 One of the greatest problems with the burgeoning
 electronic mail explosion is that we tend to get mail that
 we don't care about. Amusingly, perhaps, we have the
 equivalent of electronic junk mail. Not amusing, however,
 is the fact that this can rapidly accumulate and end up tak-
 ing over your mailbox!

 At the same time we often get mail that, while it is
 interesting and important, can easily be filed to be read
 later, without ever actually cluttering up the mailbox.

 This, then, is what filter does for you! The filter program
 allows you to define a set of rules by which all incoming
 mail should be screened, and a subsequent set of actions to
 perform based on whether the rules were met or not. Filter
 also has the ability to mail a summary of what actions it
 performed on the incoming mail as often as you'd like.

 Writing the Rules

 The language for writing filter rules is pretty simple,
 actually. The fundamental structure is;

 if (condition) then action

 Where condition is constructed by an arbitrary number of
 individual conditions of the form ``field relation
 value''. The field value can be;


 where, if ``lines'' is choosen, the relation can be any of
 the standard relationships (`>', `<', `>=', `<=', `!=' and
 `='). If another action is choosen, ``contains'' can be used
 as the relation, ``='', or, if you'd like, you can skip the
 relationship entirely (e.g. `subject "joe"'). The value is
 any quoted string that is to be matched against or number if
 ``lines'' is the field being considered.

 Individual conditions are joined together by using the word
 ``and'', and the logic of a condition can be flipped by
 using ``not'' as the first word (e.g. `not subject "joe"').
 We'll see more examples of this later.

 Note that the ``or'' logical conjunction isn't a valid part
 of the filter conditional statement.

 Finally, <action> can be any of;


   save foldername

   savecopy foldername

   forward address

   execute command


 where they result in the actions; delete deletes the mes-
 sage; save saves a copy of the message in the specified fol-
 dername; savecopy does the same as save, but also puts a
 copy in your mailbox; forward sends the message to the
 specified address; execute feeds the message to the speci-
 fied command (or complex sequence of commands) as standard
 input; and leave leaves the message in your mailbox.

 Foldernames can contain any of a number of macros, too, as
 we'll see in the example ruleset below. The macros avail-
 able for the string fields are;

 Macro Meaning

   %d day of the month
   %D day of the week (0-6)
   %h hour of the day (0-23)
   %m month of the year (0-11)
   %r return address of message
   %s subject of original message
   %S ``Re: subject of original message''
   %t current hour and minute in HH:MM format
   %y year (last two digits)

 The rules file can also contain comments (any line starting
 with a `#') and blank lines.

 The file itself needs to reside in your home directory and
 be called .filter-rules. Here's an example;

 # $HOME/.filter-rules
 # Filter rules for the Elm Filter program. Don't change without some
 # serious thought. (remember - order counts)
 # Dave Taylor

 # rule 1
 if (from contains "!uucp") then delete

 # rule 2
 to "postmaster" ? save "/tmp/postmaster-mail.%d"

 # rule 3
 if (to "culture" and lines > 20) ? save "/users/taylor/Mail/culture"

 # rule 4
 subject = "filter test" ? forward "hpldat!taylor"

 # rule 5
 if [ subject = "elm" ] savecopy "/users/taylor/Mail/elm-incoming"

 # rule 6
 subject = "display-to-console" ? execute "cat - > /dev/console"

 (notice the loose syntax - there are lots of valid ways to
 specify a rule in the filter program!!)

 To translate these into English;

 1. All messages from uucp should be summarily deleted.

 2. All mail to postmaster should be saved in a folder
 (file) called /tmp/posmaster-mail.numeric-day-of-the-

 3. All mail addressed to `culture' with at least 20 lines
 should be automatically appended to the folder

 4. All messages that contain the subject `filter test'
 should be forwarded to me, but via the address
 `hpldat!taylor' (to force a non-user forward)

 5. All messages with a subject that contains the word
 `elm' should be saved in the folder
 ``/users/taylor/Mail/elm-incoming'' and also dropped
 into my mailbox.

 6. Any message with the subject ``display-to-console''
 will be immediately written to the console.

 Notice that the order of the rules is very important. If
 we, for example, were to get a message from `uucp' that had
 the subject `filter test', the filter program would match
 rule 1 and delete the message. It would never be forwarded
 to `hpldat!taylor'. It is for this reason that great care
 should be taken with the ordering of the rules.

 Checking the rules out

 The filter program has a convenient way of check out the
 rules you have written. Simply invoke it with the -r
 (rules) flag;

 % filter -r

 Rule 1: if (from = "!uucp") then

 Rule 2: if (to = "postmaster") then
  Save /tmp/postmaster-mail.2

 Rule 3: if (to = "culture" and lines > 20) then
  Save /users/taylor/Mail/culture

 Rule 4: if (subject = "filter test") then
  Forward hpldat!taylor

 Rule 5: if (subject="elm") then
  Copy and Save /users/taylor/Mail/elm-incoming

 Rule 6: if (subject="display-to-console") then
  Execute "cat - > /dev/console"

 There are a few things to notice - first off, these are the
 parsed and rebuilt rules, so we can see that they are all in
 a consistent format. Also, notice on the filename for rule
 2 that the program has correctly expanded the ``%d'' macro
 to be the day of the month.

 It is highly recommended that you always check your ruleset
 before actually letting the program use it!

 Actually Using the Program

 Now the bad news. If you aren't running sendmail you cannot
 use this program as currently written. Why? Because the
 filter program expects to be put in your .forward file and
 that is something that only sendmail looks at!

 The format for the entry in the .forward file (located in
 your home directory) is simply;


 Alright, it isn't quite that simple! Since filter will be
 invoked by processes that don't know where you are logged
 in, you need to have some way to trap the error messages.
 For ease of use, it was decided to have all the messages
 written to stderr which means that you have two main choices
 for the actual entry. Either;

 "|filter > /dev/console 2>&1"

 which will log all errors on the system console (each error
 is prefixed with ``filter (username)'' to distinguish it),

 "|filter >> $HOME/.filter_errors 2>&1"

 If you want to have a copy saved to a file. A possible
 strategy would be to have the errors written to a file and
 to then have a few lines in your .login script like;

 if ( -f .filter_errors) then
  echo " "
  echo "Filter program errors;"
  cat .filter_errors
  echo " "

 You can also use the -v flag in combination with the above
 to have the errors written to a file and a single line indi-
 cating messages being sent off or saved to folders written
 to the console by having your .forward file;

 "|filter -v > /dev/console 2>> $HOME/.filter_errors"

 Suffice to say, you can get pretty tricky with all this!!
 One last point - if you're interested in having it beep (for
 output to the screen, I would think) you can use the -a
 (audible) flag for any of these invocations!

 Summarizing the Actions Taken

 The Filter program keeps a log of all actions performed,
 including what rules it matched against, in your home direc-
 tory in a file called .filter_log. You can either directly
 operate on this file, or, much more recommended, you can one
 of the two summarize flags to the program and let it do the
 work for you!

 The difference between the two is best demonstrated by exam-

 % filter -s

 Summary of filter activity;

 The default rule of putting mail into your mailbox was used 18 times

 Rule #3: (save in "/users/taylor/Mail/culture") was applied 2 times.


 % filter -S

 Mail from root about
  PUT in mailbox: the default action

 Mail from taylor about Filter Summary
  PUT in mailbox: the default action

 Mail from hpcea!hpcesea!hpcesed!scott at hplabs.HP.COM
  about Comments and questions about elm
  PUT in mailbox: the default action

 [etc etc]

 To actually use either of the summarizing options, there are
 two ways that are recommended;

 The preferred way is to have a line in either your crontab
 (ask your administrator for help with this) that invokes the
 filter program as often as you desire with the -s flag. For
 example, I have a summary mailed to me every morning at 8:00

 0 8 * * * "/usr/local/bin/filter -s | elm -s 'Filter Summary' taylor"

 An alternative is to have your .login execute the command
 each time.

 Note that each time the summary is generated your log file
 is cleared out, so if you want to keep a long list of
 actions performed you'll need to save it as you display it.
 A way to do this would be, if you were to have the invoca-
 tion in your .login script, to use;

 echo "Filter Log;"
 filter -s | tee -a PERM.filter.log

 which would append a copy of all the output to the file

 Further Testing of the Ruleset

 With the readmsg command available, it is quite easy to test
 the rules you've written to see if they'll do what you

 For example, we can use the -n flag to filter, which means
 `don't actually do this, just tell me what rule you matched,
 if any, and what action you would have performed' (you can
 see why a single letter flag is easier to type in!!), and
 feed it each message in our mailbox by using a command like;

 % set message=1
 % set total_messages=`messages`

 % while (1)
 > if ($message > $total_messages) exit
 > echo processing message $message
 > readmsg -h $message | filter -n
 > echo " "
 > @ messages++
 > end

 which will then hand each of the messages in your mailbox to
 the filter program and display what action would have been
 taken with that message and why.

 For example, if we do this for a few interesting messages in
 my mailbox, we'd end up with output like;

 Mail from taylor about filter test
  FORWARDED to hpldat!taylor by rule;
  subject="filter test" ? forward "hpldat!taylor"

 Mail from bradley%hplkab at hplabsc about Re: AI-ED mailing address for HP
  PUT in mailbox: the default action

 Mail from taylor about display-to-console
  EXECUTED "cat - > /dev/console"

 (sharp users will notice that this is exactly the same for-
 mat as the longer summary listing!!)

 What Forwarded Messages Look Like

 When a message is forwarded to another user by the action
 being specified as ``forward address'', then the program can
 generate one of two styles of message. If the message is to
 you, then it'll simply add it to your mailbox in such a way
 as to ensure that the return address is that of the person
 who sent the message and so on.

 If not, then the message is enclosed in a message of the

 From taylor Thu Oct 2 15:07:04 1986
 Date: Thu, 2 Oct 86 15:06:58 pdt
 Subject: "filter test"
 From: The filter of taylor at hpldat <taylor>
 To: hpldat!taylor
 X-Filtered-By: filter, version 1.4

 -- Begin filtered message --

 From taylor Thu Oct 2 15:06:41 1986
 Date: Thu, 2 Oct 86 15:06:33 pdt
 From: Dave Taylor <taylor>
 Subject: filter test

 Just a simple test.

 -- End of filtered message --

 The subject of the actual message is the same as the subject
 of the message being forwarded, but in quotes. The `From:'
 field indicates how the message was sent, and the `X-
 Filtered-By:' identifies what version of filter is being

 Areas to Improve

 While the filter program as presented herein is obviously a
 nice addition to the set of tools available for dealing with
 electronic mail, there are some key features that are miss-
 ing and will be added in the future based on demand.

 As I see it, the main things missing are;

 1. The ability to use regular expressions in the pat-
 terns. This would be a very nice feature!

 2. Perhaps more actions available (but what?)

 3. Certainly the ability to filter based on any field or
 combination of fields.

 Warnings and Things to Look Out For

 Since this is a pretty simple program, there are a few pit-
 falls, some of which have already been mentioned;

 Order counts in the rules. Beware!

 Matching is pretty simple - make sure your patterns are suf-
 ficiently exclusive before having any destructive rules.

 Finally, as with the rest of the Elm mail system, I welcome
 feedback and suggestion on how to improve this program!!

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