need source for bridge

rjv at ihdev.UUCP rjv at ihdev.UUCP
Fri Dec 12 14:27:07 AEST 1986

say, what happened to net.sources.wanted?  did it disappear from my
machine?  did i miss something here?

anyway, does anyone out there have any good C source for playing the card game 
bridge?  i'll take anything, a friend is looking for some source to help
him write a bridge game, he's looking for ideas.

OR, do you have any good "card" sub-routines.  i have some to shuffle a
deck, evaluate black-jack hands etc.  any more out there?  send me
anything.  like i said, just looking for ideas.


	ron vaughn	...!ihnp4!ihdev!rjv
		    (or ...!ihnp4!ihdev!rjv)

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