fixcpio -- correct "Out of Phase -- get help" errors

Dave Brower daveb at rtech.UUCP
Fri Dec 26 06:06:09 AEST 1986

In article <563 at rtech.UUCP> I write:
> I wrote the enclosed program when I lost a middle floppy from 11 from a 23
> disk cpio -c backup.  It snips out archive members that have been corrupted,

What I meant to say was:

> I wrote the enclosed program when I lost floppy 11 from a 23 disk cpio
> -c backup.  It snips out archive members that have been corrupted,

I also meant to include this dif, and mention to WATCH THE SIGNATURE.
Sorry about that.

*** fixcpio.c	Thu Dec 25 11:49:54 1986
--- nfix	Thu Dec 25 12:01:33 1986
*** 396,402
      fprintf(stderr, "\007Error writing %s file", what );
  /* end of fixcpio.c */

--- 396,402 -----
      fprintf(stderr, "\007Error writing %s file", what );
!     exit( 1 );
  /* end of fixcpio.c */

	Kill Tree.	Kill Turkey.	Merry Xmas.

{amdahl, sun, mtxinu, cbosgd}!rtech!daveb

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