Portable C-language Hoffman squeeze-unsqueeze - ver. 3.3

Israel Pinkas pinkas at mipos3.UUCP
Wed Dec 17 05:12:14 AEST 1986

I tried compiling the program under Ultrix and noticed that in the file
sq.c there was an fopen with "rb" that wasn't special cased for Ultrix.
Here is the fix.

*** 196,197 *****
  	if(!(inbuff=fopen(infile, "rb"))) {
  		printf("Can't open %s for input pass 2\n", infile);
--- 196,201 -----
+ #ifdef ULTRIX
+ 	if(!(inbuff=fopen(infile, "r"))) {
+ #else
  	if(!(inbuff=fopen(infile, "rb"))) {
+ #endif
  		printf("Can't open %s for input pass 2\n", infile);

UUCP:	{amdcad,decwrl,hplabs,oliveb,pur-ee,qantel}!intelca!mipos3!pinkas
ARPA:	pinkas%mipos3.intel.com at relay.cs.net
CSNET:	pinkas%mipos3.intel.com

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