Public Domain Prolog

David Fiore fiore at hope.UUCP
Sat Dec 20 08:59:41 AEST 1986

This is a followup to the posting I made about a week ago of Public Domain
Prolog.  Public domain prolog is a C&M prolog that runs on an IBM PC.  I
posted it in uuencoded format  as I don't have the sources, nor did I ever.
As expected, I got a deluge of mail from people after my posting.
Some people didn't get the docs, many didn't get pd.3.  Some people complained
about my using the net for sending out software of questionable use, some
wanted the sources.  I apologise to those of you who did not enjoy the benifits
I intended for those who wanted public domain prolog.  After I had made the 
fatal mistake of letting people know that I had public domain prolog, I got 
lots of mail from people who wanted it.  When I posted it  and not everybody 
got it, I got more mail from people who  wanted it.  When I reposeted it last 
week,  even more.

I am therefore saying now and for the record that I hope there are some of you
who werer able to get public domain prolog because I do not intend to send any
part of it again  over usenet.  I will still send it over bitnet if people who
want it send me their bitnet address.  I have had very little success in using
this network so I hope that those of you who were able to get PD Prolog will be
kind enough to share it with those who were not able to get it and still want 
      ||         David Fiore, University of California at Riverside.
      ||         Slow mail   :  1326 Wheaton Way
      ||                        Riverside, Ca.  92507
      ||         E-Mail      
      ||            UseNet   : ..{sdcsvax,ucbvax}!ucdavis!ucrmath!hope!fiore
      ||            BITNET   : consult at ucrvms 
		Have another day!

    "...and at warp eight, we're going nowhere mighty fast"

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