Notes on rogue 5.3 clone. (Please read if you have this source)

Rex Black black at
Wed Dec 17 07:28:10 AEST 1986

	Sorry to post this to the network, but my uucp doesn't get to

	Anyone else had a problem saving the game?  I installed 5.3 and
	*no one* could save.  I've tried removing old saves, cd to all
	sorts of directories, etc., etc.  We have a Pyramid 90x running
	the dualPort (4.2BSD/SVR2) operating system...

	Feel free to flame the f**k out of me if I've done something
	dumb, but I'm really at a loss.

	Rex Black (black at

	Disclaimer:  I'm afraid you've just hallucinated the preceding
	letter.  Anything you read was simply a product of lack of REM
	sleep.  Take two Sominex and go to bed.

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