68K Disassembler.

Steven E. Rice stever at videovax.UUCP
Tue Feb 25 02:04:39 AEST 1986

In article <133 at stmvax.UUCP> jd at stmvax.UUCP (Joe Davida) writes:

> 	A while back, Mr.
>   		John M Collins
>   		47 Cedarwood Drive
>   		St Albans
>   		Herts, AL4 0DN
>   		England			+44 727 57267
> 	submitted a 68K disassembler, which has several undefined
> 	symbols. I would like to get it working.
> 	Does anyone in netland have the complete and working source
> 	to this disassembler? Does anyone have the email address for
> 	the above author? Greatful to all who respond with information.
> 	Please respond to:


This would be of quite general interest.  If anyone has the source and is
willing to share it, or has Mr. Collins' email address, please send it
to me also (or *post* it!).  This is an item of quite general interest. . .

					Steve Rice

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