Emacs source revisited

Butch Anton ant3 at sphinx.UChicago.UUCP
Thu Jul 31 03:32:24 AEST 1986

I'll begin by apologizing to those of you who were offended
by my previous posting.  The posting was to have been restriced
to net.wanted.sources, but our stupid postnews wouldn't let me
post to it until two days latter.  Therefore, I took the liberty
of posting to other newsgroups in hopes that someone would be able
to help me.

I also need to clarify that I'm interested in a public-domain
version of emacs, not a licensed copy.  (Must remain legal, don't
you know.)  If in fact, you have a copy of gnu-emacs or micro-emacs,
can write tar format on a TK50, and would be willing to part with the
source, I'd be much obliged.

Once again, I'm sorry for the previous messy postings, and if you
were offended, send your mail to /dev/null, as I've received enuf
already.  For my pennance, I'll read net.announce.newusers 1000

Butch Anton
University of Chicago

    uucp:  ...ihnp4!gargoyle!sphinx!ant3, ...ihnp4!gargoyle!butch
	   ...ihnp4!gargoyle!euler!root,  ...ihnp4!gargoyle!euler!butch
    mailnet:  x9.xba at UChicago.Mailnet
    bitnet:   ant3%sphinx at UChicago.Bitnet
    ARPA:     x9.xba%UChicago.Mailnet at MIT-Multics.ARPA
    USnail:   5135 1/2 S. Woodlawn         (312) 752-0850 home
	      Chicago, IL  60615           (312) 962-3049 work

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