Xinu Posting

Torben N. Nielsen torben at uhmanoa.UUCP
Wed Jul 30 07:27:53 AEST 1986

Last word on Xinu posting. (I know this is the wrong newsgroup, but it
started here so I'm finishing it here.)

After looking carefully at all the sources I have, I give up on posting.
It is too much; more than 12MB in compressed form. Also, there are some
problems with possible AT&T proprietary stuff in there. So here is what
I will do. If you really want a copy, send me a 2400ft tape along with
a self-addressed and stamped return mailer and a COPY OF YOUR SOURCE LICENSE
FROM AT&T and I will make you a tape. I'm seriously worried about possible
license violations and I don't have the time to make sure everything is 
``clean" so unless I get the copy of the source license, you won't get any



					Torben N. Nielsen
					Department of ICS
					2565 The Mall
					Honolulu, HI 96822


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