cpp vs. unifdef/scpp

Brandon Allbery allbery at ncoast.UUCP
Mon Jul 28 00:27:22 AEST 1986


Quoted from <643 at wg3b20.UUCP> ["Re: Re: Re: ifdef filter"], by narayan at wg3b20.UUCP...
| > I know of a GREAT way to filter out "un-executed" ifdefs. It's
| > called the C pre-processor! Just feed it your code, with a few
| > -Doptions to define which ifdefs you want defined, and presto-changeo,
| > it will spit out only the wanted source.
| > 
| You can't do this if you have sources that you would like to sell.
| If you have sources that build stuff for several machines, you don't
| want to give them all away. Here is where you unifdef what you
| don't want to give away. Also ccp pulls in include files, and 
| expands #defines. How would you like AT&T to give you sources
| with no include files or only octal and hex numbers for all the
| masks and parameters.

More importantly, if you ship out a source which has had ANY system header
file expanded, you stand a large chance of violating your license agreement
w.r.t. trade secrets.  (E.G. <termio.h> from Sys3/Sys5 to BSD or V7; BSD
stdio.h to Sys3/Sys5 or V7, etc.)

  ---------------- /--/	Brandon S. Allbery		UUCP:
 /              / /|\/	Tridelta Industries, Inc.       decvax!cwruecmp!ncoast!
----    -------- /-++	7350 Corporate Blvd.		    tdi2!brandon
   /   / /---,  /--/	Mentor, Ohio 44060		PHONE:  (home)
  /   / /    / /  /	     -- HOME --			+1 216 974 9210
 /   / /    / /  /	6615 Center St. Apt. A1-105	ARPA:  ncoast!allbery%
----  /----~ /--/	Mentor, Ohio 44060-4101		case.CSNET at csnet-relay
			Space -- The Final Frontier

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