xinu source

markv at uoregon markv at uoregon
Wed Jul 2 04:30:00 AEST 1986

Count me in too folks, especially if anyone has had any experience
porting XINU to the 68000 family...

|               \\////                                               |
|               \ ~ ~   +-------------------------------+            |
|               \-O-O-  | "No matter where you go...    |            |
|                ( \ )  |     there you are."           |            |
|                 ~~~   |          Buckaroo Banzai      |            |
|                \___/  +-------------------------------+            |
|                >>O<<                                               |
| Mark {Tank} Terrence VandeWettering		                     |
| USMAIL: 	751 E. 16 #105 Eugene, OR 97403			     |
| UUCP: 	...tektronix!uoregon!markv			     | 

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