net.sources vs net.sources.d

Valdis Kletnieks $VK0%CLVM.BITNET at WISCVM.ARPA
Sat Jul 26 09:04:06 AEST 1986

Ok, I *KNOW* this isn't in the right newsgroup, and I *KNOW* that my previous
posting wasn't either.  I've been flamed by several people already about it.

Now, just as a quick question, HOW do I get all the gateways to cooperate
and foward to net.sources.d?  I have the slight problem that I have
to go through unix-sources at, and there's yet ANOTHER gate
between me and that, as I am on BITNET.  However, I'm sure that all the other
(true) arpa users have a similar problem.  So if anybody has a good, WORKING
solution, please post or let me know, and I'll summarize to net.sources.d.
If I don't summarize to net.sources.d, that means I didn't get a working
solution.... :-)

                                  Valdis Kletnieks
                                  Systems Programmer
                                  Clarkson University

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