attribute grammar parser generated wanted

Wax.OsbuSouth at Xerox.COM Wax.OsbuSouth at Xerox.COM
Fri Jul 4 11:04:27 AEST 1986

The University of Toronto offers from their CSRG group a parse table
generator called S/SL {you describe the grammar and the tokens and you
write the actions later} written in PASCAL.  It is available at a small
cost from them on tape and if you are educational, probably for free or
the cost of the tape.  The PASCAL is so vanilla that I translated it
into FORTRAN {I know, but that's what they paid me for} in about a week.
It works very well and is full LR(1).  If you don't believe them, they
send you the proof with it.

My copy is atleast three years old and there are probably enhancements
by now.

Allan Wax
ARPA: Wax.OsbuSouth at Xerox.COM

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