More UNIX-like LS in FTP

Root Boy Jim rbj at icst-cmr.ARPA
Tue Jul 29 11:58:53 AEST 1986

I have modified the BSD4.2 FTP client to do the `ls' & `dir' commands
in a more UNIX-like manner. As currently distributed, you only get
ONE remote file name argument, with the second taken to be the name of
the local listing file. Thus, `ls foo bar' is taken to mean `ls foo > bar'.
This lets you pick between options or a file name, but not both. When
talking to a UNIX server, it would be nice to have the -FAC options by
default. My changes are as follows:

	1) Added the `unix' command. Talks to a UNIX server more
	   intelligently by adding `-FAC' to all `ls' commands,
	   and `-FAs' to all `dir' commands.

	2) Added recursive versions of the `ls' and `dir' commands,
	   called `lr' and `dr' respectively. Options added are
	   `-FACR' and `-FAsR' likewise.

	3) I didn't do anything with `mls' & `mdir' as they appear
	   to work strangely and I never use them anyway.

	4) This is my first sources posting so I'm not exactly sure
	   how to combine shars and patches into one nifty string
	   you can pipe to. So, it's a two step process, first
	   unshar it, then apply the patches, which are diff -c's.

	(Root Boy) Jim Cottrell		<rbj at>
	I request a weekend in Havana with Phil Silvers!

#! /bin/sh
# Yow! This is a shell archive, meaning:
# 1. Remove everything above the #! /bin/sh line.
# 2. Save the resulting text in a file.
# 3. Only a Pinhead would execute the file with /bin/csh (not sh) to create:
#	cmds.c.diff
#	cmdtab.c.diff
#	ftp_var.h.diff
# This archive created: Mon Jul 28 21:01:43 1986
export PATH; PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:$PATH
if test -f 'cmds.c.diff'
	echo shar: "Zippy will not over-write existing file 'cmds.c.diff'"
sed 's/^YOW!//' << \ZIPPY-THE-PINHEAD > 'cmds.c.diff'
YOW!*** /usr/src/ucb/ftp/cmds.c	Wed Jul 27 00:34:47 1983
YOW!--- cmds.c	Mon Jul 28 20:54:00 1986
YOW!*** 405,411
YOW!  		printf("Not connected.\n");
YOW!  	printf("Mode: %s; Type: %s; Form: %s; Structure: %s\n",
YOW!  		modename, typename, formname, structname);
YOW!! 	printf("Verbose: %s; Bell: %s; Prompting: %s; Globbing: %s\n", 
YOW!  		onoff(verbose), onoff(bell), onoff(interactive),
YOW!  		onoff(doglob));
YOW!  	printf("Hash mark printing: %s; Use of PORT cmds: %s\n",
YOW!--- 405,411 -----
YOW!  		printf("Not connected.\n");
YOW!  	printf("Mode: %s; Type: %s; Form: %s; Structure: %s\n",
YOW!  		modename, typename, formname, structname);
YOW!! 	printf("Verbose: %s; Bell: %s; Prompt: %s; Glob: %s; UNIX: %s\n",/*RBJ*/
YOW!  		onoff(verbose), onoff(bell), onoff(interactive),
YOW!  		onoff(doglob), onoff(udir));				/*RBJ*/
YOW!  	printf("Hash mark printing: %s; Use of PORT cmds: %s\n",
YOW!*** 407,413
YOW!  		modename, typename, formname, structname);
YOW!  	printf("Verbose: %s; Bell: %s; Prompting: %s; Globbing: %s\n", 
YOW!  		onoff(verbose), onoff(bell), onoff(interactive),
YOW!! 		onoff(doglob));
YOW!  	printf("Hash mark printing: %s; Use of PORT cmds: %s\n",
YOW!  		onoff(hash), onoff(sendport));
YOW!  }
YOW!--- 407,413 -----
YOW!  		modename, typename, formname, structname);
YOW!  	printf("Verbose: %s; Bell: %s; Prompt: %s; Glob: %s; UNIX: %s\n",/*RBJ*/
YOW!  		onoff(verbose), onoff(bell), onoff(interactive),
YOW!! 		onoff(doglob), onoff(udir));				/*RBJ*/
YOW!  	printf("Hash mark printing: %s; Use of PORT cmds: %s\n",
YOW!  		onoff(hash), onoff(sendport));
YOW!  }
YOW!*** 423,428
YOW!  	printf("Bell mode %s.\n", onoff(bell));
YOW!  }
YOW!  /*
YOW!   * Turn on packet tracing.
YOW!   */
YOW!--- 423,437 -----
YOW!  	printf("Bell mode %s.\n", onoff(bell));
YOW!  }
YOW!+ /*									/*RBJ*/
YOW!+ /* Set UNIX directory mode.						/*RBJ*/
YOW!+ /*									/*RBJ*/
YOW!+ setunix()								/*RBJ*/
YOW!+ {									/*RBJ*/
YOW!+ 	udir = !udir;							/*RBJ*/
YOW!+ 	printf("Unix mode %s.\n", onoff(udir));				/*RBJ*/
YOW!+ }									/*RBJ*/
YOW!  /*
YOW!   * Turn on packet tracing.
YOW!   */
YOW!*** 665,671
YOW!  		printf("usage: %s remote-directory local-file\n", argv[0]);
YOW!  		return;
YOW!  	}
YOW!! 	cmd = argv[0][0] == 'l' ? "NLST" : "LIST";
YOW!  	if (strcmp(argv[2], "-") && !globulize(&argv[2]))
YOW!  		return;
YOW!  	recvrequest(cmd, argv[2], argv[1], "w");
YOW!--- 674,687 -----
YOW!  		printf("usage: %s remote-directory local-file\n", argv[0]);
YOW!  		return;
YOW!  	}
YOW!! /*FTP 	cmd = argv[0][0] == 'l' ? "NLST" : "LIST";			/*RBJ*/
YOW!! 	argv[0][0] += argv[0][1] == 'r'; /* Yow! Am I HACKING yet? */	/*RBJ*/
YOW!! 	switch (argv[0][0]) {						/*RBJ*/
YOW!! 	case 'l': cmd = udir ? "NLST -FAC"	: "NLST";	break;	/*RBJ*/
YOW!! 	case 'm': cmd = udir ? "NLST -FACR"	: "NLST -R";	break;	/*RBJ*/
YOW!! 	case 'd': cmd = udir ? "LIST -FAs"	: "LIST";	break;	/*RBJ*/
YOW!! 	case 'e': cmd = udir ? "LIST -FAsR"	: "LIST -R";	break;	/*RBJ*/
YOW!! 	}								/*RBJ*/
YOW!  	if (strcmp(argv[2], "-") && !globulize(&argv[2]))
YOW!  		return;
YOW!  	recvrequest(cmd, argv[2], argv[1], "w");
if test 2890 -ne "`wc -c < 'cmds.c.diff'`"
	echo shar: "YOW! error transmitting 'cmds.c.diff'" '(should have been 2890 characters)'
if test -f 'cmdtab.c.diff'
	echo shar: "Zippy will not over-write existing file 'cmdtab.c.diff'"
sed 's/^YOW!//' << \ZIPPY-THE-PINHEAD > 'cmdtab.c.diff'
YOW!*** /usr/src/ucb/ftp/cmdtab.c	Wed Jul 27 00:34:47 1983
YOW!--- cmdtab.c	Mon Jul 28 20:14:46 1986
YOW!*** 17,22
YOW!  int	quit(), renamefile(), status();
YOW!  int	quote(), rmthelp(), shell();
YOW!  int	pwd(), makedir(), removedir();
YOW!  char	appendhelp[] =	"append to a file";
YOW!  char	asciihelp[] =	"set ascii transfer type";
YOW!--- 17,23 -----
YOW!  int	quit(), renamefile(), status();
YOW!  int	quote(), rmthelp(), shell();
YOW!  int	pwd(), makedir(), removedir();
YOW!+ int	setunix();							/*RBJ*/
YOW!  char	appendhelp[] =	"append to a file";
YOW!  char	asciihelp[] =	"set ascii transfer type";
YOW!*** 26,31
YOW!  char	connecthelp[] =	"connect to remote tftp";
YOW!  char	deletehelp[] =	"delete remote file";
YOW!  char	debughelp[] =	"toggle/set debugging mode";
YOW!  char	dirhelp[] =	"list contents of remote directory";
YOW!  char	disconhelp[] =	"terminate ftp session";
YOW!  char	formhelp[] =	"set file transfer format";
YOW!--- 27,33 -----
YOW!  char	connecthelp[] =	"connect to remote tftp";
YOW!  char	deletehelp[] =	"delete remote file";
YOW!  char	debughelp[] =	"toggle/set debugging mode";
YOW!+ char	drhelp[] =	"list RECURSIVELY remote directory";		/*RBJ*/
YOW!  char	dirhelp[] =	"list contents of remote directory";
YOW!  char	disconhelp[] =	"terminate ftp session";
YOW!  char	formhelp[] =	"set file transfer format";
YOW!*** 33,38
YOW!  char	hashhelp[] =	"toggle printing `#' for each buffer transferred";
YOW!  char	helphelp[] =	"print local help information";
YOW!  char	lcdhelp[] =	"change local working directory";
YOW!  char	lshelp[] =	"nlist contents of remote directory";
YOW!  char	mdeletehelp[] =	"delete multiple files";
YOW!  char	mdirhelp[] =	"list contents of multiple remote directories";
YOW!--- 35,41 -----
YOW!  char	hashhelp[] =	"toggle printing `#' for each buffer transferred";
YOW!  char	helphelp[] =	"print local help information";
YOW!  char	lcdhelp[] =	"change local working directory";
YOW!+ char	lrhelp[] =	"nlist RECURSIVELY remote directory";		/*RBJ*/
YOW!  char	lshelp[] =	"nlist contents of remote directory";
YOW!  char	mdeletehelp[] =	"delete multiple files";
YOW!  char	mdirhelp[] =	"list contents of multiple remote directories";
YOW!*** 57,62
YOW!  char	tenexhelp[] =	"set tenex file transfer type";
YOW!  char	tracehelp[] =	"toggle packet tracing";
YOW!  char	typehelp[] =	"set file transfer type";
YOW!  char	userhelp[] =	"send new user information";
YOW!  char	verbosehelp[] =	"toggle verbose mode";
YOW!--- 60,66 -----
YOW!  char	tenexhelp[] =	"set tenex file transfer type";
YOW!  char	tracehelp[] =	"toggle packet tracing";
YOW!  char	typehelp[] =	"set file transfer type";
YOW!+ char	unixhelp[] =	"toggle UNIX directory mode";			/*RBJ*/
YOW!  char	userhelp[] =	"send new user information";
YOW!  char	verbosehelp[] =	"toggle verbose mode";
YOW!*** 71,76
YOW!  	{ "close",	disconhelp,	0,	1,	disconnect },
YOW!  	{ "delete",	deletehelp,	0,	1,	delete },
YOW!  	{ "debug",	debughelp,	0,	0,	setdebug },
YOW!  	{ "dir",	dirhelp,	1,	1,	ls },
YOW!  	{ "form",	formhelp,	0,	1,	setform },
YOW!  	{ "get",	receivehelp,	1,	1,	get },
YOW!--- 75,81 -----
YOW!  	{ "close",	disconhelp,	0,	1,	disconnect },
YOW!  	{ "delete",	deletehelp,	0,	1,	delete },
YOW!  	{ "debug",	debughelp,	0,	0,	setdebug },
YOW!+ 	{ "dr",		drhelp,		1,	1,	ls },		/*RBJ*/
YOW!  	{ "dir",	dirhelp,	1,	1,	ls },
YOW!  	{ "form",	formhelp,	0,	1,	setform },
YOW!  	{ "get",	receivehelp,	1,	1,	get },
YOW!*** 78,83
YOW!  	{ "hash",	hashhelp,	0,	0,	sethash },
YOW!  	{ "help",	helphelp,	0,	0,	help },
YOW!  	{ "lcd",	lcdhelp,	0,	0,	lcd },
YOW!  	{ "ls",		lshelp,		1,	1,	ls },
YOW!  	{ "mdelete",	mdeletehelp,	1,	1,	mdelete },
YOW!  	{ "mdir",	mdirhelp,	1,	1,	mls },
YOW!--- 83,89 -----
YOW!  	{ "hash",	hashhelp,	0,	0,	sethash },
YOW!  	{ "help",	helphelp,	0,	0,	help },
YOW!  	{ "lcd",	lcdhelp,	0,	0,	lcd },
YOW!+ 	{ "lr",		lrhelp,		1,	1,	ls },		/*RBJ*/
YOW!  	{ "ls",		lshelp,		1,	1,	ls },
YOW!  	{ "mdelete",	mdeletehelp,	1,	1,	mdelete },
YOW!  	{ "mdir",	mdirhelp,	1,	1,	mls },
YOW!*** 103,108
YOW!  	{ "tenex",	tenexhelp,	0,	1,	settenex },
YOW!  	{ "trace",	tracehelp,	0,	0,	settrace },
YOW!  	{ "type",	typehelp,	0,	1,	settype },
YOW!  	{ "user",	userhelp,	0,	1,	user },
YOW!  	{ "verbose",	verbosehelp,	0,	0,	setverbose },
YOW!  	{ "?",		helphelp,	0,	0,	help },
YOW!--- 109,115 -----
YOW!  	{ "tenex",	tenexhelp,	0,	1,	settenex },
YOW!  	{ "trace",	tracehelp,	0,	0,	settrace },
YOW!  	{ "type",	typehelp,	0,	1,	settype },
YOW!+ 	{ "unix",	unixhelp,	0,	0,	setunix },	/*RBJ*/
YOW!  	{ "user",	userhelp,	0,	1,	user },
YOW!  	{ "verbose",	verbosehelp,	0,	0,	setverbose },
YOW!  	{ "?",		helphelp,	0,	0,	help },
if test 4358 -ne "`wc -c < 'cmdtab.c.diff'`"
	echo shar: "YOW! error transmitting 'cmdtab.c.diff'" '(should have been 4358 characters)'
if test -f 'ftp_var.h.diff'
	echo shar: "Zippy will not over-write existing file 'ftp_var.h.diff'"
sed 's/^YOW!//' << \ZIPPY-THE-PINHEAD > 'ftp_var.h.diff'
YOW!*** /usr/src/ucb/ftp/ftp_var.h	Wed Jul 27 00:34:48 1983
YOW!--- ftp_var.h	Mon Jul 28 20:05:28 1986
YOW!*** 16,21
YOW!  int	interactive;		/* interactively prompt on m* cmds */
YOW!  int	debug;			/* debugging level */
YOW!  int	bell;			/* ring bell on cmd completion */
YOW!  int	doglob;			/* glob local file names */
YOW!  int	autologin;		/* establish user account on connection */
YOW!--- 16,22 -----
YOW!  int	interactive;		/* interactively prompt on m* cmds */
YOW!  int	debug;			/* debugging level */
YOW!  int	bell;			/* ring bell on cmd completion */
YOW!+ int	udir;			/* UNIX directory mode */		/*RBJ*/
YOW!  int	doglob;			/* glob local file names */
YOW!  int	autologin;		/* establish user account on connection */
if test 689 -ne "`wc -c < 'ftp_var.h.diff'`"
	echo shar: "YOW! error transmitting 'ftp_var.h.diff'" '(should have been 689 characters)'
exit 0
#	End of shell archive

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