68K Xinu Source (Motorola ECB)

jobusch at isucs1.UUCP jobusch at isucs1.UUCP
Mon Jul 21 13:09:00 AEST 1986

Concerning XINU on the 68000 -
	A member of our software support group here has been working on
	a port of the original Xinu version (for the LSI's) to run
	on the Motorola 68000 Educational Computer Boards (ECBs).

	It would be appreciated if anyone having source, or info
	on the location/existence of source for a 68K port of Xinu
	(especially an ECB port), would send email here. 

	Thanks in advance...
|*		David L. Jobusch  at  Iowa State University	    *|
|*		     Department of Computer Science		    *|
|*	USENET/UUCP	: ...(umn-cs | okstate)!isucs1!jobusch      *|
|*	CSNET		: jobusch at iowa-state			    *|
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