basic ray tracing: part 0

Friedrich Knauss fritzz at net1.UCSD.EDU
Sat Jul 26 07:17:02 AEST 1986

the following 8 parts make up everything you need to run this 
simple ray tracing program:
part1: tracer.c  
part2: shade.c
part3: find.c
part4: support.c
part5: rtd.h
part6: extern.h
part7: bdata.i
part8: Makefile

It will create 2 output files: time.update is updated with information
on how the program is coming along, and data.dis with the actual data.
It will be in character form, each character reperesenting a grayscale
value from 0-255. it will go by columns, bottom to top, left to right.
the size is determined by the program.
discussion of the program will be in sometime soon.

send mail with comments please.
f   (fritzz at net1 || ...!sdcsvax!net1!fritzz)

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