fish (on imagen) and dragon generator

Fred Walter grwalter at watmath.UUCP
Sat Jul 19 03:34:45 AEST 1986

*** hello line eater ***

there were a lot more people on the net with imagens than i had
anticipated, so here is the source to the program that takes lines
of input of the form ((x1,y1),...) and converts it to stuff that your
imagen should handle.

a few notes first :
	1) reads from standard input
	2) writes to standard input
	3) the options are to be immediately (ie. no white space) by their value
	4) one option, -P(1/0) (prerasterization on/off) is useful -if- your imagen
	   has the software version that supports it (if you use it and your
	   imagen doesn't support it you will get a comment line on your header
	   page stating prerasterization on)
	5) the other options are documented in the "usage()" function in the 
	6) currently the program only takes integral values.

example usage : (for example the fish2 square limit picture)
	igraph -h2 -v3 -r240 -d115 -P1 < fish2 > fish2.imagen
	then you send the "fish2.imagen" file to your imagen (telling it
	that the file is in the imagen's impress language.)

you compile the progam with
	cc igraph.c -O -o igraph

if you make any changes/improvements/etc to the program, i would be
interested in seeing them.

the program was written using tabs every 4 columns.


-------------------cut here---------(yes ma, this is a cut line)------------
 * igraph.c
 * copyright 1986 by gottfried robert walter
 * permission is hereby granted to use/copy/mangle this program (but not sell)
 * as long as this message is included

#include <sys/file.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>

main(argc, argv)
	int		argc;
	char	*argv[];
	int		i, size;
	int		vmult = 1, hmult = 1;
	int		rshift = 0, dshift = 0;
	int		ncopies = 1;
	int		pen = 1;
	int		prerast = 0;
	int		header = 1;
	short	path[16000];
	char	word[100], line[10000], *pl, *getnextword();

	for(i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
		switch (argv[i][1]) {
			case 'v':
				vmult = atoi(argv[i]+2);
				if (vmult < 1)
			case 'h':
				hmult = atoi(argv[i]+2);
				if (hmult < 1)
			case 'r':
				rshift = atoi(argv[i]+2);
			case 'd':
				dshift = atoi(argv[i]+2);
			case '#':
				ncopies = atoi(argv[i]+2);
				if ((ncopies < 1) || (ncopies > 10))
			case 'p':
				pen = atoi(argv[i]+2);
				if ((pen < 1) || (pen > 20))
			case 'P':
				prerast = atoi(argv[i]+2);
			case 'H':
				header = atoi(argv[i]+2);

	(void)printf("language impress,");
	if (header != 0)
		(void)printf("jobheader on,");
	if (prerast != 0)
		(void)printf("prerasterization on,");
	(void)printf("copies %d)", ncopies);
	size = 0;
	while ((fgets(line, 10000, stdin)) != NULL) {
		pl = line;
		for (; ((*pl != '\0') && (*pl != '\n'));) {
			pl = getnextword(pl, word);
			path[size++] = (short)(atoi(word)*hmult+rshift);
			pl = getnextword(pl, word);
			path[size++] = (short)(atoi(word)*vmult+dshift);
			if (path[size-2] >= 2560)	/* you may want to change the */
				path[size-2] = 2560;	/* bounds checking done here  */
			if (path[size-2] <= 0)
				path[size-2] = 1;
			if (path[size-1] >= 3328)
				path[size-1] = 3328;
			if (path[size-1] <= 0)
				path[size-1] = 1;
			if (size >= 16000) {
				(void)fprintf(stderr, "too many vertices in path\n");
		putpath(size, path);
		size = 0;


/* usage - tell user the correct usage */

	(void)fprintf(stderr, "Correct usage :\n");
	(void)fprintf(stderr, "  -v = vertical multiplication factor (>0)\n");
	(void)fprintf(stderr, "  -h = horizontal multiplication factor (>0)\n");
	(void)fprintf(stderr, "  -r = displacement to right\n");
	(void)fprintf(stderr, "  -d = displacement down\n");
	(void)fprintf(stderr, "  -# = number of copies (1-10)\n");
	(void)fprintf(stderr, "  -p = pen diameter (1-20)\n");
	(void)fprintf(stderr, "  -P = page rasterisation (0-off/other-on)\n");
	(void)fprintf(stderr, "  -H = job header (0-off/other-on)\n");

/* putpath - send current path to stdout in the correct format */

putpath(size, path)
	int		size;
	short	*path;
	int		i;
	for(i = 0; i < ((size/2)*2); i++) {

/* getnextword gets the next word from old and returns it (in lowercase)
 * in new
 * input  : old = pointer to line with words to be read
 *          new = pointer to area to put next word
 * output : pointer to right after where the word ended in old

	char	*
getnextword(old, new)
	register char	*old;
	register char	*new;
	char			*strspn();

	old = strspn(old, " ,/:");
	if (*old != '\0') {
		for(;((*old != ' ') && (*old != ',') && (*old != ':')
			&& (*old != '\0') && (*old != '/')); old++) {
			*new = *old;
			if (isascii(*new))
				if (isupper(*new))
					*new += 'a' - 'A';
	*new = '\0';
	return (old);

/* strspn - span any occurances of the "spn" characters
 * input  : str = pointer to the string
 *          spn = pointer to the string of characters to be spanned
 * output : pointer to right after the last spanned character

	char *
strspn(str, spn)
	register char	*str, *spn;
	register int	i;

	for(;;) {
		i = 0;
		while ((spn[i] != *str) && (spn[i] != '\0')) 
		if ((spn[i] == '\0') || (*str == '\0'))
			return (str);
------------wow, yet another cut line-----------------------------------

oh, ya, some of you wanted to see other stuff that did things on imagens.
so here is a simple fractal dragon generating program that will produce
a bit map that the imagen can print. if you find more good seeds, i
would appreciate being mailed them.

oh ya, it is a real cpu hog, and when you are generating large fractals,
it will take some time, so you may want to run it overnight.

i also have a version that puts out dragons that a printronix can print

magfact should be 0 for the best looking dragon (but it takes a long time
to calculate).

also, the higher ntests is, the better looking the dragon is (a good value
is 150 - i used 50 here so you could do a quick test to see if it worked on your

-------------yet a, yet a nuther cut line------------------------------------
 * this program will generate fractal dragons
 * original work by c. goudeseune
 * current version by g. r. walter as of february 28, 1986
 * imagen output version as of july 11, 1986

#include <stdio.h>

#define RSTART -0.3      /* start of real      range */
#define REND    1.35     /* end   of real      range */
#define ISTART -0.9      /* start of imaginary range */
#define IEND    0.9      /* end   of imaginary range */

	register float	i, j, u, v;
    float			rseed, iseed, width, a, b;
	register int	k, l, m;
    int				columns, rows, ntests, magfact;
	int				xpos, counter;
	char			hsize, vsize;
	char			line[32][300];

	 * input seed (real and imaginary parts),
	 * output size (columns * rows), and
	 * number of tests per location

	rseed	= 1.64542;
	iseed	= 0.9635;
	magfact = 2;
	hsize   = 18*(4>>magfact);
	columns = 32*hsize;     /*width  of square*/
	vsize   = 18*(4>>magfact);
	rows	= 32*vsize;     /*height of square*/
	ntests	= 50;

	(void)printf("@document(language impress, jobheader off)");
	(void)putchar(138);		/* position fractal vertically on page */
	(void)putchar(2);		/* hi byte */
	(void)putchar(0);		/* lo byte */
	(void)putchar(236);		/* set bitmap magnification */
	(void)putchar(235);		/* set bitmap parameters */

	width   = (IEND - ISTART) / columns;

	a	= RSTART;

	for (counter = 0; counter < vsize; counter++) {
		for (l = 0; l < 32; l++) {
			b    = ISTART;
			xpos = 0;
			for (k=0; k < (int)(hsize)*4; line[l][k++]=0);

			while (b <= IEND)
				k = 0;
				i = a;
				j = b;

				while ((k++ < ntests) && ((i * i + j * j) < 4))
					u = j * j + i * (1 - i);
					v = j * (i + i - 1);
					i = rseed * u + iseed * v;
					j = iseed * u - rseed * v;

				if (k >= ntests)
					line[l][xpos>>3] |= 1<<(7-(xpos&7));
				b += width;
			a += width * columns / rows;
		for (k = 0; k < hsize; k++)
			for (l = 0; l < 32; l++)
				for (m = 0; m < 4; putchar(line[l][k*4+m++]));

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