PC-SHELL! A Free Unix-Like Shell for [PC||MS]-Dos systems

stevens at sigi.UUCP stevens at sigi.UUCP
Sat Jul 19 19:06:04 AEST 1986

The file recieved by our site was truncated. Could someone PLEASE send me a 
copy of that puppy, or repost it? From what I could reconstruct of the doc 
it looks like a nice thing to have.


Curt Stevens                      |             ||    ---                /
University of Colorado at Boulder |             ||    | |               /
Comp.Sci.(systems)   303/492-6096 |             ||    ---              /
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..seismo!hao!boulder!stevens.uucp |             ||    ---              \  
stevens at boulder.csnet             |             ||    | |               \
stevens%boulder at csnet-relay.arpa  |             ||    ---                \

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